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Corrado forum sticker ***PLS READ***

Would you like to buy a "Corrado-forum.net" sticker?  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to buy a "Corrado-forum.net" sticker?

    • Yes, I would just buy one.
    • Yes, I would buy two.
    • Yes, I would buy more than two.
    • Nope, not interested.

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Right, following on from this thread a while back, I'm going to have a shot at producing a sticker.......


Please use the poll to express your interest and post any comments as well.


"Corrado-forum.net" No need for the "www." in my opinion.


.........in the Volkwagen,VAG font.........


255mm x 40mm (should be perfect to have one in either side of the back windows and a nice enough size as to not look to OTT.


In etched look vinyl (white writing, clear background), reverse cut for inside fitting including transfer paper on each seperately.


Now the price depends on how many I decide to order, but each sticker (will probably do a discount for more than one) should not cost more than a fiver delivered. Will detail prices when I get a rough idea of numbers which will determine my order quantity.

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I'd buy one or two.. though I just ticked 'buy one' on the poll for now :)

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i want 4, 2 for each corrado and if u got a design i know a gyal in the local sign making shop might be able to get u a discount if u want if u really really want to :evil: :twisted: :cry: :mad: :lol: :lol: 8)

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I'd have a couple too... Not sure about the size tho Tom...


Hope you've voted :)


Well recommend what size you think would be best - I just got quotes for stickers for a size that I picked out of the air.

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instead of the WWW what about the VW logo


It's an idea. Might push price up a bit tho if you start wanting custom design's etc.


At the moment, all I'm trying to do is quantify the general interest.


At the end of the day, I can't please everyone. There will *always* be someone who wants a different colour or a different style or a different size or different lettering. I have gone for a very simple sticker so as to try and keep as many people as possible, happpy.


White lettering. Clear background. The forum's URL. Simple.


I have to say though that I am open to suggestions on the size.


Semi-rant over. Sorry. Bad day.

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Hope you've voted


I was first Tom ! I was maybe thinking about a 20mm hieght. :?

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oh and maybe drop the capital "C" from corrado-forum.net...... Just a thought...

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if you want i can get around 300 of these done for £25.00

they look like this!!

pic for size reasons only!!!

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that kinda style looks good Darren... just have 'corrado-forum.net' in the VAG font, at that kinda size would look topper :)


Though I am happy to go with whatever Tom can do.. I know he'll do somethin good :)

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vw font humm can u send it me as i want to get some pdm no plates done in this stylee...cheers

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Paul - noted re the height of the sticker. 20mil height seem reasonable to everyone? Was kind of unsure about the capital 'C' for Corrado. Does it deserve a capital? We normally write it with a capital letter. But I see your point and it might look better all in lower-case.


Darren - that looks good mate. I think I will order a few of these stickers for myself and post some pictures. See how the 'etched' look compares to yours. Not sure about the vag font darren - my contact has said that he can do it, so I'm trusting him! lol


Jim - cheers matey :)



Thanks for voting, people - keep em coming in!

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Well if your contact needs it Tom, I have the VAG font...


Like zis!

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Nah, I guess he has it already - he does a lot of veedub work and said he could do them.


Thanks anway Jim. Btw, "like zis" looks like normal text! :)

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Its sposed to look like normal text.. there is an image attached beneath with the actual example I was trying to show :)

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Yeah... you actually have to post a message using quick reply, submit it, then go back and edit that to attach an image. I had a feeling you might read it before I got the image on there ;)


Anyway... i'll stop leading this Off Topic...

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Righto - looking like a good response - thanks chaps.


I will be making a donation to Andi's running costs out of some of the proceeds (once I break even, that is!!).


I have ordered a couple of stickers and will post some pictures once I get them on.


In the meantime, keep the votes coming in! :)

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Rats, bloomin server just lost my post.

Yes Tom, great idea. I think my vote went in but I'd have 4.

I prefer the italic look, Darren's looks good on the car. I think the vag font looks too square (no jokes about heads :lol: )

But happy to go with majority or whatever u decide

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