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Scrap shell removal

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guys i need the cheapest way to get rid of my right off corrado..thats the shell, front bumper and bonnet in a crumpled state right now.


I haven't finished removing everything from it but the time will soon come that i need to shift the remains of poor petey. :cry:


Is it easy to cut it into pieces?

hire a skip?

pay how much? for a scrapper to take it.


Any help is appreciated.


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guys i need the cheapest way to get rid of my right off corrado..thats the shell, front bumper and bonnet in a crumpled state right now.


I haven't finished removing everything from it but the time will soon come that i need to shift the remains of poor petey. :cry:


Is it easy to cut it into pieces?

hire a skip?

pay how much? for a scrapper to take it.


Any help is appreciated.




i dunno about down south but(pretty sure this is UK-wide)............up here in bonnie Scotland there is new legislation regarding disposal fo cars...........it has to be a bona-fide car-scrapper that picks it up now...........as i asked my in-law's just recently(they are in Waste management btw) about borrowing one of their skip-lorry's and picking up a m8's scrapper and was told that cos they don't have the licence for picking cars up that i couldn't do it

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at what point does a car become a pile of scrap metal, that a scrap metal merchant can take? Vehical dismatelers must remove oil, plastics, rubber etc before the car can be crushed. If u have a bare shell, then it could be a different story, no?

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mate.. ring someone from the back of your lacal free-adds. its costs us £10max to have cars removed before november.

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what do i look for darren?

i'm not paying £150...hell nah.. hahaha thats monstrous.


Also mate...i emailed you regarding your shell, on your funksoulbruvver email address. I've got you added to msn to chat about it all mate.



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the counsil took my old car away for free. They do it so people don't just abandon cars in the middle of the road. Not sure if its a nation wide thing, or whether its just redcar and cleveland counsil, but might be worth giving them a call...

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My local scrappy actually pays a fiver for a car shell.....however, the fee to pick it up with a Hiab is £25. Still a bargain.


The only thing they insist on is an empty fuel tank and they won't take tyres away due to the grief of disposing of them. They aren't bothered about plastic bumpers or anything else.....so I usually take the opportunity to fill the car up with junk from the garage/shed too!

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What shape is the bodyshell in?


Heres an idea...


1) De-seam rear 1/4 panels.

2) Scrap car (nothing-£150)

3) Sell 1/4 panels to forum members/Ebay and make even more money out of the car.


I know deseaming panels is a pain in the arse job. But when a new one costs over £500, it suddenly makes it seem worthwhile :) Anyway, it'd be a shame for a scrappy to send it to the crusher when the 1/4 panels could have gone to good use.

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That's a good point. I know a guy who's looking for a driver's side rear 1/4 at the moment for a '93 VR6. In fact he's only really after the arch.

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