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Banana Man

Cliffnet wizzard connection

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Has anyone ever connected up cliffnet cables to they're alarm unit. I have bought a set of the leads and am in the process of fitting them to the alarm unit but I cant see where they go the only plug that Ican find that the cliffnet cable will go into is in the secondary alarm unit which is the intellistart 4 unit. Can the cliffnet cable plug into this and control the main alarm unit when plugged into the computer?


Any help would be much appreciated




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I'm getting that software off bnigel (g60jet) later in the week just need to know where to connect it really I ve also buggered somethinh =g up now one of the leads to the main unit became disconnected the big white plug on the side and since I have reconnected it the alarm wont work properly it keeps going off and I can get it to shut off so I ve had to disconnect the battery for the moment. Either it needs resetting or something else has come adrift but Ive had a good look and cant see anything.


Its a clifford concept 300 by the way of anyone can help I would much appreciate it I'm starting to lose my rag with this car again now!!! fu&*ing pile'o'cr&p or it might just be the idiot owner LOL 8)




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ant plug the cable into the intelli start unit the intelli start unit should then be connected to the alarm via the same type of cable. However the main alarm unit should have to Cliffnet ports in it, one for the software and one for the daisy chained units (intellistart. check your alarm instructions, http://www.clifford.com/guides/other.asp OWNER MANUALS


cant find the install guides they used to be on the same site but the link has gone

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