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Right hand side window not rolling all the way up!

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I'm currently having a problem with my right hand side window not rolling all the way up. It goes up 90% of the way, but then will not roll up any further. Just enough to cause some whistling and let rain in as I travel down the highway...

I have taken the door panel off and inspected the insides. The only thing I can see that could possibly be wrong is when I press on the switch to roll the window up, cables at both the top and bottom of the window take up some slack before the window starts to roll up.

Any ideas as to what could be causing this?



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-something blocking the glass? - check the seals, guide rails etc.

-window electronics mistake their position (I think this will depend on model, as mine doesn't have that complex a system, but I've known other cars where windows loose their position, due to elec faults)


you've probably covered these already though...


I'll keep thinking.



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Sorry for the late reply! My computer was being rebuilt this past week...


Unfortunately nothing is blocking the glass, I can manually move the window up the final 10% without much resistance. I think it must be something about the electronics mistaking the position as Deag was saying. Currently I don't have a manual to troubleshoot, but one is on the way and I will let you know what I find!

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Can you try tightening those cables?

"some slack" is allowable, but if it's excessive, that might explain the misalignment.

can you see the motor working when the window gets to the top? Does it stop the window, or vice versa?

Get an Amp-meter on the motor during running the window up, see if the load peaks near the top. if not, I think you know where the problem is...




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My drivers door window had a simlar problem, checked it out and the glass had come out of the plastic runners, just needed to be re-seated and alls working again.

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Had same problem a while ago. Plastic cable guide had cracked at top of cable run which let cable slip down giving false topping out of window.

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