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Secondhand door or repair?

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I had my someone smash my window and stick a screwdriver in my passenger door, around my handle to get in and nick my car/cd player, they nicked the cd player but my door has a couple of smallish holes around the handle and the weather strip and rubber strip that goes round the door are knackered, that part alone I've been told by VW will cost me about £75, someone has told me that it will cost me £150 to repair it on top of the £75 for the parts and that doesn't include buying the weather strip.


The question is, secondhand door or repair this one after getting the parts, if I can find the door, of course.


Please help.

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If you can get a secondhand door shell in the same colour as you're C, that one's the winner. Recently managed this one myself, £50 for the door and £100 to have it fitted (which included swapping everything over from the old door to the replacement).


Getting a different colour door painted up is probably going to be just as expensive as repair but may be preferable depending on the long term implications of the damage (I'm thinking rust). Try and get a quote for respraying a door and compare them?


Of course the other thing is that unless you're really lucky, you could be waiting forever to get one in the right colour...


I almost fainted when I saw how much a new door would cost (over £750 just for the shell :shock:)


Good luck with this one, hope you can get it sorted! :thumb right:



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the same happened to mine before i bought it and he just had the door repaired and re-sprayed it looks ok in daylight but looks a totally different colour under orange street lights.


when i first had the car the boot also had loads of small rust spots around the rear screen where the glass had been badly replaced so i searched on ebay not expecting to find one at all, only to find one from the same age car in the same colour and mint condition which i won for 27 quid 8)


that was about a year and a half ago, then a week ago i saw a tornado red drivers door on e-bay which i won for 20 quid and was the only bidder 8) when i phoned the guy up it turned out to be the guy who sold me the boot so i know the colour match is perfect 8)

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I've been finding people with doors but they are either the wrong colour or don't have the rubber strips still on them and they cost a fair bit from VW so my hunt continues but if anyone hears anything or sees anything then please let me know.



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go down the breakers and find a second hand door and take the seal strip of carefully, Dont bend it though as they ont bent back to well. get your door repaired. was it delocked?

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No mate, it was de locked, thank god.

I'm just going to take a look at a door and see if it still has those rubber strips on it, keep your fingers crossed, are you the same person G60Jet that said you have a red door?

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