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Just collected my new C

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Good choice Adam.

Where do you live? Did you have to travel far to reach the seller in Eastern Scotland? Some of us (I for one) would be interested in your story of the logistics of arranging to view and purchase a car a long way from home.

Best regards


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Iain - Although I am from the south west, and often get to Nottinghamshire/Lincolnshire area, I actually live in the north of Scotland now. This was one of the reasons I went for a Corrado, so as I didnt have to drive my beloved mk1 Cabrio all winter! So the journey to see the car was only a couple of hours away. The fact that I probably paid a couple of hundred more than I would have if I went to view one of the other Storms in England, doesn't really matter, as I would have spent more in petrol, or travelling costs, to see them.

Cheers for the info and help guys - I also took the clocks out again, after a quick trip to Halfords, for another dash light bulb. All the minor quirks are sorted now. Just need to swap the MD head unit for a CD unit, a respray of the bonnet, and I will be 100% happy with it.

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Thats the Head unit wired in, multi changerin the glove box, and remote done - quite a productive today! just the bonnet to go! Think I'll leave that to the experts though.

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nice mate , good to hear your getting sorted , had a few niggles myself when i bought mine but i think its only to be expected, do the lupo gti wipers swop before winter , the standard are chronic at speed


ps . a good place for the cd multichanger is in the rear armrest 8)

mines in at the mo get the bonnet and bits tidied up 8)

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Something about 'raddo's for those of us over 30 i think; mine still has the grin factor after 2 years...


We're just a load of big kids aren't we.. :lol: When I replaced my 16 valver for a Storm the grin turned into something that hurts my ears now. It's a nice pain though. :D

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ps . a good place for the cd multichanger is in the rear armrest 8)

mines in at the mo get the bonnet and bits tidied up 8)


Sounds a good idea, never thought of that. I still have the original first aid kit in there though, still all sealed up and un-used. Sits snuggly in the glove box now, and is easliy accesible when on the move - because 10 CD's is never enough!!

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Iain - Although I am from the south west, and often get to Nottinghamshire/Lincolnshire area, I actually live in the north of Scotland now. .


where-a-bouts in the N of Scotland then? :?: :wink:

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I've got a house in Forres, just east of Elgin. Hoping to get along to a few meets with the Moray Dub Club, that is local to the area.

When I travelled back from collecting the car, I drove through Aberdeen. On the way dopwn to the Kentucky roundabout, I passed a block of flats with a blue G60 parked at the bottom - is that anyone from here?

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I've got a house in Forres, just east of Elgin. Hoping to get along to a few meets with the Moray Dub Club, that is local to the area.

When I travelled back from collecting the car, I drove through Aberdeen. On the way dopwn to the Kentucky roundabout, I passed a block of flats with a blue G60 parked at the bottom - is that anyone from here?


there's normally a Club-GTI meet every last sunday of the month at the "Brewer's Fayre" at bucksburn(where the McDonalds drive thru is just prior to Aberdeen Airport).....normally a few ppl from the Elgin/Lossiemouth area make it down.....i'm sure they'll be more than happy to let you tag along :wink: ....not sure who owns that blue G60 tho :?

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