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About Ron11

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  • Birthday 06/03/1965


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  1. Ron11

    Gearbox dilema

    Hello, EuroTuning provides the same warranty for the modification as Volkswagen does Ron
  2. Ron11

    Gearbox dilema

    Hello, The kit of EuroTuning parts is designed to allow you to fit it yourself. You do not have to remove the gearbox from the vehicle, you remove the front left wheel and the plastic wheelhouse. In the engine compartment, you remove the battery and the air filter to have free access to the gearbox. Detailed instructions in the Internet. The fitting operation lasts in EuroTuning 4 hours. The gearbox withstands the same load as declared by Volkswagen. Current price: 825 £ (with out VAT) Regards Ron
  3. Ron11

    Gearbox dilema

  4. Ron11

    Gearbox dilema

  5. Ron11

    Gearbox dilema

    Hello, the easiest and cheapest way is conversion to 6 speed gearbox EuroTuning http://www.eurotuning.cz/images/image/en/optimizing/index.html Regards Ron
  6. Ron11

    Gearbox dilema

    Hello, the easiest and cheapest way is conversion to 6 speed Gearbox EuroTuning http://www.eurotuning.cz/images/image/en/optimizing/index.html Regards Ron
  7. Hello, i found 6 speed conversion 02a, 02j : http://www.eurotuning.cz/images/image/en/optimizing/index.html
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