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Posts posted by seizure

  1. Cheers G60ing. You to have done well.


    Not sure what you meant about not following my post. I have two 02A cable change gearboxes. Their codes are: CBA and AMA. The CBA is out of a Corrado G60 and the AMA is from a Passat GT. What I am after is the ratios for those particular boxes, but I am also interested in the ratios for other 02A 'boxes so I can search out the ones with favourable ratios and use them in future "projects".


    But bear in mind I'm in the UK, so I'm guessing the gearboxes will be different to those in the US, cos of our different driving environments and driver requirements.

  2. 02A is the type of box the letters after it explain the ratios hence CBA AMA even uk G60 boxes are different from year to year from what I've read


    Yeah I know - You're right. VW did "Tweak" the ratios, that's why I need a complete list of ALL 02A boxes. It would also be helpful for future reference should I decide to raid the scrap yard for another £25 'box.


    There's not many boxes you get in this day and age for £25 :wink: [subtle undertones implied]

  3. I'm in the UK, and don't have a Bentley manual. Already been on Vortex to get em from there, but they said the UK and US 'box specs differ.


    Sorry should have mentioned this earlier; I need the UK 02A gearbox ratio specs.



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