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About marvin.fuster

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  1. Love it Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
  2. Ok the Cheers for that advice week have a look into Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
  3. Yh there's so much stuff for MK2 but can't see a corrado guide it decent build thread with working pics! Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
  4. Hi there looking for a detailed guide to dropping 1.8t in a corrado.. Seen some stuff online suggesting its not one of the harder swaps but would love a guide for dummies like me! Also is there a complete conversion kinda kit that I can buy? Seen these q Peng guys on line but their site seems dead! Help me pop my conversion cherry.. Be gentle. Thanks my homies [emoji41] Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
  5. Thanks for that pointer I did look there I'm looking for a proper step by step guide may be there but I couldn't see it so far.. Any help recieved with gratitude Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
  6. Hi there looking for a detailed guide to dropping 1.8t in a corrado.. Seen some stuff online suggesting its not one of the harder swaps but would love a guide for dummies like me! Also is there a complete conversion kinda kit that I can buy? Seen these q Peng guys on line but their site seems dead! Help me pop my conversion cherry.. Be gentle. Thanks my homies [emoji41] Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
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