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Posts posted by Boozyjay

  1. 14 minutes ago, Dox said:

    I wouldn’t buy a recently restored car, the recent price increases make a bondo and newspaper restoration a financial win for a seller, then 12 months down the line it has  more blisters than a herpes convention.

    If you  can find a car with online history from a good owner cashing out (rather than cashing in) that’s where I suggest you put your money.

    Thanks for the heads up Dox.

  2. 1 hour ago, MJA said:

    That is shame but at least it sounds like you'll get closure on that car. Pleased to see you're still going to get one and I will keep an eye


    I've been through pain of resto and bodywork etc and would recommend avoiding all that hassle and buying a good one straight off. Im not normally someone to worry about mileage (155k on mine) but concede in the UK market people would sooner by a ropey 100k car over a well sorted to 155k, so if I were doing it again I'd be aiming for sub 120k miles, great body and make sure it had leather (cost me a £grand to make that happen which on top of bodywork and engine work makes for an expensive game and a car that will never be worth its cost..). The engine can be sorted at say Stealth racing but the rest of the mechanicals (apart from ABS) is boggo mk3 golf so anyone can do it.


    All the best and keep us posted on outcomes of the old car.




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    To be honest it was always going to be a long shot if my old car was still out there, but at least I found out what happened to it and  one of the previous owners sent me some photos of it, so at least I have them. I appreciate the advice Matt. It's just a case of seeing what comes up for sale, but I'm in for the long wait. I'll keep you posted and I'll keep an eye on here to see if any come up for sale. Thanks again.

  3. He didn't. I reluctantly joined Facebook earlier (against my principles, but needs must) and joined the Corrado forums. I put the message out about L33VWS and previously owning the car and he messaged me back saying that someone had been in touch, which was you and said to give him my number and he'll gladly speak to me about what happened to it.

    I can't thank you enough. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, Wilko13 said:

    He still has the paper work for it he may be will to see if he can put the plate on retention and sell the plate I could ask him

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    He's just messaged me Wilko and asked for my mobile number, which I've sent him. He said he'll tell me what happened to it.

    I'll keep you posted.


  5. 8 minutes ago, Cressa said:

    Well we can happily help you as we are all poking our noses around. 

    What boxes does it need to tick?

    Got to be Blackberry (Bramble) and looked after. Mileage not too important as like all, they all have a bit of mileage on them now. I'd happily pay good money for a decent one that doesn't need much doing to it, just a bit of TLC. I'd prefer black interior, but beggars can't be choosers. If one comes up that is mechanically sound, but needs a respray then I'd be interested.

    I've been so close to buying a few recently, but the colour was wrong. I even put a deposit down on N164CWG about four years ago and agreed a price at nine grand. I had to pull out as I hadn't got the space at the time. it went for over seventeen grand (plus fees) at the Historics auction in 2021. I could have kicked myself.

    Thanks Cressa.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Wilko13 said:

    Greg responded unfortunately not good news apparently the engine blew up in 2012 then the shell got stolen so car doesn’t actually exist anymore.

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    I lived in hope Wilko, but deep down I knew this would be the outcome. I can't thank you enough and thanks to Dox and Matt too. The good thing for me is finding out what happened to it as I didn't have a clue - the power of the internet. I thought it would have disappeared years before it did, so I'm pleased it had more use by the previous owners.  If I could ask one thing Wilko? Could you ask Greg if he has anything left, like a door handle or something? Just so I can put it on my office wall? I've just told my wife the story of trying to find L33VWS again, we were courting in it, she shed a tear!


  7. 22 minutes ago, Wilko13 said:

    Not in contact with him I found info on Facebook (crazy what you can find in a 5 min search)

    I have messaged him on your behalf

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    I really appreciate it Wilko. I can't thank you enough.


  8. 1 hour ago, Dox said:

    MJM Thompson on the lorry?

    MJM Thompson are (or were) based in Keswick. I think the owner Mr. MJM Thompson died in 2016 and I can't find any trading figures, so I guess the company has now ceased trading. 

  9. 8 hours ago, Wilko13 said:

    I think it’s in Newcastle this is from 2013

    Owner is called Greg


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    Hi Wilko, 

    Thanks for sending over. Are you in contact with him or know someone who is? I've been in touch with the previous owner who sold it Greg and he sent me some photos and that's a big difference from how the car looks in 2012 compared to 2013. Looking at the online history, it passed it's last MOT in 2012 before it went on Sorn in 2013.

    My guess is he was in the middle of doing some work, or restoration - which seems unlikely as it's been 10 years on Sorn, or selling the parts off it, which seems more likely.


  10. Thanks for the advice Matt. And yes sentiment can play a big part, but if I do eventually come across it again and can do a deal to buy it, if it was that bad I would walk away.

    I joined Facebook today specifically to ask the CCGB and other Corrado forums if they know the current owner of the vehicle. If nothing turns up (which is looking likely) I'll keep my eyes out for a nice Blackberry VR6 that comes on the market in the future.

  11. Hi everyone, hope all is well.

    I used to own two Corrados' in my younger days in the nineties. One was a Blackberry Corrado VR6 registration M652OOA and I loved every minute of ownership and have great memories of it, but I reluctantly had to sell it as my wife was pregnant with our daughter (now 19, how time flies..)

    Now I'm in middle age, I've been yearning to buy another Corrado, but would really love to buy my old one back in my life and do a full restoration if it required it. I've been doing a bit of research and found out that the registration as changed in 2011 to L33 VWS which is still on the car. I found a previous owner online and made contact, he was very helpful and sent me some photos, but he hadn't got the details of who he sold it to as it was ten years ago. I then had a look on this forum and found out that a guy called "hunty" on here was also an owner of the vehicle. He hasn't been on here for a few years by the looks of it (I did send him a PM but had no reply) I had a look on DVLA website and it's saying it is now sorned, but still registered.

     There are one or two photo's knocking about of it on various forums, it has different alloys, including Porsche ones.

    Does anyone have any information on this Corrado? It would be so much appreciated, as I'm running out of options and would love to have it back in my life.




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