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Posts posted by warcraft

  1. just been asked a question by a friend and am not sure of the answer.


    which of the following front end parts r vr6 specific.



    front wishbones






    and is the gearbox same as any other vr6 model eg vento or golf etc

  2. neil i remember the car doing this about 3 or 4 times while i owned it.

    uncle (a retired motor engineer) was in the car one time and he said it was starter motor not disengaging quickly enuff, he said removing it and dropping a touch of light oil on the insides shud sort it (or just replace it if under warranty ;)) But he recommended leaving it and waiting to see if it went.

    The starter on the car iirc was was new in or around may and as such will be under warranty. You may even be able to claim back labour costs.

  3. the car had 17's fitted when i got it the ride was quite harsh

    but i changed them for the 16" bbs and the ride was noticeably better.


    car seemed to handle better too, turn in was sharper and less torque steer.

  4. Hmm. Is the unichip actually mapped to the car at all? The more I hear the more I think the "better" solution is a EPROM remap, albeit with the obvious hassle of having to have it recooked each time a change is made


    unichips r great, yes they r mapped to each individual car.

    then when u add new mods u just have the map tweaked to suit.


    I had them on both of my pulsars, i found that the cars ran better throughout the entire rev range, especially the midrange area.


    (sorry to dig this out again, just going thru some older posts)

  5. m8 forget figures and actually drive the cars.


    £4k should buy you a vr6, and imo they r the best of the bunch. certainly the quickest and with the best sounding engine.


    g60 for that money will get you a goodun, but it wont have the kick of the vr6

  6. just watched it again.


    quotes include


    it's really rather special


    the result is fantastic


    it's quick, like properly quick


    it sounds fantastic


    it's the only 90's coupe that isn't completely embarrasing


    the only negative in the entire review is that they state it didnt sell well.




    whats the deals on wheels one like, cos i havent seen that

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