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About Wendy

  • Rank
    CF Nutter


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  1. Hi, I don't believe enough people come onto the Forum for events anymore to have your thread read. I certainly probably not for 2 years. CCGB and Corrado Chat are both on FB where there seems to be much more activity for events. Caffeine and Machine is just down the road from me. Brilliant venue. I am up for a Corrado meet there and the owner of the place is a big VW fan.
  2. Was mega chuffed today when saw another Corrado. M plate Aqua Blue at snails pace like everyone else on M25. He pulled off to Richmond exit. Freddie I believe. First one I have seen on the road for a long time.
  3. I have managed to get it to print from my Laptop. But them observe I have the 'Display Vehicle Leaflet' but no Ticket !!!!!!!!!!! Really !
  4. Damm, blast, urgh !!! So, I opted to receive my Tickets via email. Fine, the email I receive. Do you think I can get them to Print ??? No !!!!!!!!!! I have tried ! The Printer is working, I just cannot get the PC or Laptop to communicate with it. Anyway............. I am not wasting any more time on this. The only thing I can think to do is to crudely draw out the Car Stickers, putting them on my windscreen, so when I am stopped I can show my email etc on my phone. Any other suggestions ?
  5. Ron - I will check how many Speedlines I have and the condition and get back to you.
  6. FOR CAMPING FOLK plus Parts Wanted Please..... I will take a kettle, gas and stove etc for anyone who wishes to share (it saves others packing everything.) I can also easily pack a selection of plastic/paper plates, cups, cutlery, and will have kitchen towel, bottle openers etc. I would prefer not to take a BBQ, is anyone taking one - that I could share - please., thinking for Sat evening ? I am thinking of arriving mid afternoon Saturday and going to the Show on Sunday, but using the remainder of the day, cleaning my car etc. There are areas that are still very dusty from the respray that I really want to do. If anyone has spare clips ( I would purchase them from you. lol ) It would be really appreciated. I know I need some for the Fuse Box housing. some Screw covers - for in the dash at least and door cards. I also appear to have an area of the rear door card which is not fixed, so guessing this needs another clip ? I have normal spanners and screwdrivers and a light grease spray to hopefully loosen screws at least !!!! Looking forward to meeting new folk and catching up with others, most who I have not seen in ages ! Hope it is Sunny !! B)
  7. My only regret is not having the opportunity to buy some of the cars that have been mentioned so far. !! Some brilliant ones in the list too. Liking the Zodiac,(my Mum had one when I was young), 996 C4, Cortina 1600E, John Player Special Capri and the Manta GTE especially !! I have managed a few good ones, although I don't regret selling them, I would have loved to have been able to keep them. Mk11 Astra GTE, Mk 1 XR2, MGB GT, MK2 GTI 16v - each brilliant in their own way. The GTE and GTI 16v were lots of fun. I do regret not ever being able to afford a TR6 - they were my absolute dream car. I wouldn't buy one now though. My Corrado has always been my TR6 replacement !! lol I have owned my beautiful Aqua Blue Corrado VR6 for 15/16 years now, always knowing I would not sell her - as I would regret it.!! Fortunately I have not needed to for any reasons to date. Fingers crossed it stays that way. More so, as she is nearly back to value I paid for her. Even better. !!lol
  8. Hi all, We depart tomorrow heading North. Lookin g forward to catching up with some of you. Wendy
  9. I am going. My fav show. No CCGB stand sadly. Stonor has opened some VW parking only in the Entrance Fee this year though which is good.
  10. There are a few of us Banbury area too. VR's though !!
  11. That 'Help' Group is right here !!! You are surrounded by them, just most don't think they have a problem !!!!!!!!!! Running for the hills !! lol
  12. I too tried to get a quote from Admiral this year. Their Customer Service at the early stages put me off enough that I did not get as far as the price. !! Young girl on the phone. Shame not really her fault, lack of training. Stayed with Brentacre.
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