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Posts posted by Corrado_Addict

  1. Hey all,


    Haven't posted for a while but still have my love for rado's, it hasn't dissapeared with owning a scooby :tongue:


    I thought I would post up these pics for you :)


    1st time I've been to this show before. I had visited mph a couple of times before but felt like it was time for a change and with some truly amazing machines of decades gone by complete with the modern day crop of supercars it didn't dissapoint.


    Getting up close to Ayrton Senna's MP4/4 was worth the trip alone, I honestly couldn't describe the feeling I got when I 1st laid eyes on the car, standing beside the Jaguar XJR-9 that won Le Mans in 1988, the Maseratti 250f and finally getting a glimpse of the red bull rb6 in the flesh without a field of mechanics standing behind it trying to hide its secrets! I can honestly say for a motorsport fan I can't recommend this show enough, all the cars you watch on tv competing in their various championships is a great spectacle, going to the events is even better but nothing beats actually getting up close and personal to these machines.


    From the old legends of the past to the modern day racers that tear up circuits week in week out its well worth the journey :)
















































































































































    I put together all my videos yesterday and they finally uploaded this morning


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_daNA3zNMg - Part 1


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gE-D-lD6Aek - Part 2


    Hope you like

  2. I honestly hope the government never ever make the choice to bring new rules into play that would basically outlaw old cars.


    What about the REAL classic cars from days gone by let alone ours? Electric motors are all fine and well for being torquey but come on, would you really wanna hear a whine over a vr6 on full chat? I know what id go for :wink:

  3. Lmao I feel uber unqualified to post here after reading some of the posts :lol:


    Worked as an apprentice auto electrician with my local bus company which was travel dundee at the time, got special permission to start the job when I was 15 on an extended work experience leave, then was full time from when I was 16, although unfortunately due to college being stuck in a mechanics class the actual things I was being taught had nothing to do with electrics, every other person in the class was training to be a mechanic so after disputes and requests to be sent to a special training school which was specifically for auto electrician training on buses it was always "we'll see what we can do" but nothing ever happened so I left as I new I was never going to learn what I needed too.


    So now I'm a full time dj/producer/remixer and I run my own label as well now also with a very good dutch friend who's experience in the industry is just unbelievable. I sometimes wish I had stuck it out and just stayed with it because I genuinely loved the job, it was truly rewarding and even as a young lad knowing your part of the team and doing your bit too keep a service running was a great feeling and I genuinely miss it, but you can't dwell on the past and what I'm doing now I love just as much, only downside is its a tough tough industry to get up the ladder in.

  4. A friend of mine went from an AC Schnitzer tweaked E46 M3 to a Mk 1 Type R (both bought new) and much preferred it, reckoned that it took more effort to drive the Type R quickly and well which ultimately made it more satisfying.


    I loved my two Racing Pumas and the Mk1 Type R was very close in concept / execution - quite amazing when you think that the FRP was an expensive and pretty bespoke product whereas the Type R was churned out in their thousands at a very affordable price


    Thats one of the best things about a car like that, if you actually have to put the effort in and actually physically drive the car then its a much more engaging drive, none of this flappy paddle nonsense, as good as they are I wouldn't purchase a car if it had one regardless of how good it is, rev matching down the gears, nicely weighted steering, best thing about them is just the fact they are completely pure, nothing between you and the throttle pedal, just how it should be imo :)

  5. I have to agree with that point.


    I was taken out in a friends DC2 and I thought my red g60 handled like it was on rails, to be honest I wouldn't had much hope in keeping pace with the dc2 and that was in standard form, it corners and handles in a way that you really do need too experience to believe, I'm not trying to take anything away from the corrado's capabilities but I'm not the 1st person to say a corrado wouldn't know what way the car went. Its an absolute beauty, thoroughly looking forward to a trackday with it as well.


    Its a great all round car because it is the best of both worlds, compliant and quiet then when you really want to just grab it by the scruff of its neck you can, it really is a pure drivers car and one of the things that appeals to me is the fact they are rare (well up this way anyway). But again it doesn't feel as special as the corrado, in terms of performance though the dc2 is sublime.

  6. this makes me remember when a friend of mine once said (well this friend ALWAYS has EVERYTHING better than you. if you buy a nokia in example, N90, then he says that he owns an N91 no matter if this model exists or not!). well, he once told me (when he saw me with my corrado) that a friend of his ( :roll: ) had a Corrado German Special Edition with some 345's tyres and 350HP, V8 engine... and that all these came OEM :lol: :lol: :lol:



    The best you can do, is to make their lies grow, grow grow grow... the more they grow, the funnier it becomes :norty:


    LOL, yeah, I think we all know a compulsive liar like that :lol:


    It's always the people with a little bit of knowledge in a given subject who try and come across as an expert to try and impress people. I get that in IT a lot. Such as the insurance advisor who left the firm where I once worked as a support analyst and became an IT anaylst himself for a rival insurance company. He clearly fooled the interviewer with his BS as he knew jack about computers.


    Anyway, 4 or 5 of us were sat at a table in a pub one night and he explained to us about the tape robots in his new employer's comms room.


    This is 100% true....he said they walked around the comms room with flashing lights on their heads and he was called out at 3 in the morning because one had "fallen over and couldn't get back up again". He arrived and it was flapping it's arms and legs like a beetle with steam coming out of it.


    Well, you can imagine the rest of us kicking eachother's feet under the table, trying our hardest not to burst out laughing!! He was dead serious aswell.


    For those who don't know, a 'Tape Robot' is merely a large cabinet full of computer tapes and a little arm automatically slides along on rails and swaps the tapes around according to a back-up schedule. He knew we didn't have a tape library, so thought he could hoodwink us with BS stories about things that don't exist. He'd obviously heard a colleague saying something had "fallen over", whichy is clearly a common phrase for a computer crash, and then fabricated a story around it.


    And irony of it is he's earning a bloody fortune in the city now as an IT consultant :cuckoo: He's living proof that Bullschitt gets you further in life that honesty!


    HAHAHA! that is great!


    We have a tape lib in our comms room... i'm going to have a good look at that lil robot! i don't trust it! it's going to jump out of it's library cage and have midnight comms room partys with the servers!


    LMFAO!!! :lol: Ah mate that is absolutely class :lol:

  7. To be honest bud the bits I left on were with good reason, the rear felt very instable at high speeds, as mentioned when you cornered hard i.e chucking it into a corner or even a fast sweeping bend the rear would step out on you violently or start too slide out, the whole car handled like an utter pig. So many faults and I'm glad to say my guilty feeling is gone now :lol:


    But yea learnt my lesson with that one well and truly.

  8. Had 48.7 from the 8v on our recent scotland road trip :grin:


    On the road down from Braemar, Kip? I take it that is a spot reading, not a mean over dozens of miles?

    You start at about 1000ft above sea level - we got 37+mpg from Braemar to home near Edinburgh, which includes a good bit of M90.


    The majority of the roads leading to and from braemar really are fantastic!


    My red g60 I got pretty much 38/40mpg all the time, never really checked it when giving it the beans. My green goblin of a g60 didn't go above 27 when I had it :cuckoo:

  9. Its something that I thought I was going to feel guilty of when I started stripping the car and taking bits off it. Up until the point when the big truck arrived to take away what was basically just a shell of its former glory, never judge a book by its cover is the lesson I learnt. But I honestly felt happy and so relieved when it was hoisted into the air and whacked onto the back. I felt relieved but today has been a bit of a different story. Not at one point did I feel guilty removing bit by bit, part by part. I genuinely hated this car....but today I felt guilty and still do. Its still a corrado and although it was an utter pig of a machine, covered in rust, handled so badly and would step out on you violently without fail EVERYTIME you chucked it into a corner it was still an adventure, a nightmare from pretty much start too finish the whole ownership experience of this particular corrado was a nightmare.


    I still feel that I genuinely hate the car but it still leaves a bit of a strange feeling of guilt and well sadness really knowing that its off to the highway in the sky. Its funny that even quite possibly the worst corrado money could buy leaves me feeling like this, although on the other side of things it reminds me why I love these car's so much. Its a love hate thing maybe at this moment with more hate than love but the pendulum swings both ways and even driving along at 30 the car was enjoyable, the experience of just being in a car that you genuinely love but it leaves me with a feeling of knowing that I will be cautious with the next corrado I buy and I know for a fact I will end up buying another one because really at the end of the day we can all look to modern car's to try and replace the hole that a corrado can leave but to be honest, nothing can replace the corrado and on that note nothing ever will :)


    Before -










    After -





  10. Easily the best episode in recent years!


    Really enjoyed that!


    Ye know I thought exactly that just as the tribute to Senna finished, very moving.


    But its one of those episodes that in recent series hasn't stuck out, this is one that you will remember without a doubt. Kudos to TG for this one! :)

  11. Cheers for that guys,


    If I slide it to the right though I have this big sorta induction thing for what I think is the demister/heater motor? It hits off of that so getting it forward enough to get at the phillips screws might be a bit of a challenge as well.


    But hey the whole taking it too bits thing has taught me a lot about them so far.

  12. Yeah I can't see much wrong with that at all - actually looks really clean for a G60 head as several I have seen have gone a very tarnished orange colour which people seem to think is to do with high temps and lack of oil changes - yours looks mint!


    Are you really scrapping it??? If so I hope the shell is rotten otherwise it would be a great shame to scrap it, especially a G60 as they are getting really rare nowadays.


    Unfortunately the shell is the reason for wanting too scrap it bud. U can basically pick holes in the chassis under the floor and the seats. The whole car was a nightmare from start too finish but I still feel pretty gutted even after everything, just got a couple of parts to remove tomorrow then it'll be a gonner :(

  13. Hey guys,


    Still got a few bits to get off the g60, this might be a daft question but how do you remove the ecu? I know its on that steel plate but when I pull that plate forward to slide it out it hits the top of the chassis and the bottom of the chassis so u can't actually pull it out, do u have to remove it from that plate to slide it out?


    I tried using the search function with keywords removing ecu, how to remove ecu, but just find things about fault codes and ecu diagnostics, nothing about actually removing the ecu.

  14. Hmmm when I 1st seen that I was like erm :censored:


    As every engine I've seen otherwise has had a full set of bearings, I never had the rocker cover off the old red one so I didn't know.


    Once again this forum has educated me 8)

  15. Before my g60 goes off to the scrapyard and I will be extremely happy to see the back of this complete nightmare of a machine, infact I'll celebrate by slamming a can of irn bru against the side of the car.


    I've been stripping parts off it and well I noticed this, I remember going on about a distinct rattle but no one else could pick up on what I was hearing, I was still sure there was something there after getting it checked and well after removing the rocker cover this was revealed.....








    Absolutely f**king appauled too see that!

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