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Posts posted by andymc

  1. Some of you may remember i managed to write off my green storm a couple of months ago, basically damage all down the passenger side, well the insurers have paid out (after many inspections etc) and im nearly £6k better off, a brief summary:

    5 previous owners

    112k with fvwsh

    all storm extras

    new tyres


    supension mounts

    uprated springs and dampers

    cream leather

    etc etc


    what is the best way to approach this? break it for the parts or sell as a damage repairable?

    any idea on what prices i should be asking

    will post pics of the damage as soon as the car is back with me

  2. my passenger side front wheel appears to lean very slightly inwards at the top of the whhel, the vr6 is running on fk adjustable springs and dampers, im unsure to the correct name but hopefullt the picture will paint a thousand words, is there a bush/spacer missing at the top of the suspension mounts? sorry to sound thick but im not in the slightest mechanically minded

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