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About smokymakpot

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  1. hi there am do in converstion now do i need to use the golf hubs or can a just keep the corrado 1s so a dont av to by new wheeels?? tap bk thanks
  2. hi there av got 20l 1an kicks in 6v corrado at the min the water temp sits around 90 up to 110 then the fan kicks in but thats norml oil temp can go up to 120 at times but thats just how they are . if u need any bits let me no cuz am convetin mine to 20v turbo
  3. hi there av gotta 20l 16v an am convertin it to a 20v turbo out of a golf , av got the full car will i need to by owt eles an wat hubs an legs do i use ?? please help or i wil end up swapin it 4 a cheese butty lol sound
  4. hi there av got a 92 k reg corrado , an iv bought a 20v turbo golf its a full car an a need to no wat bits i wil have to bye an wat i will have to use off the golf to make it work?? an if anyones dun this be 4 did it make a big difference?? many thanks guy
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