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About edzer

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  • Birthday 05/10/1979


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  1. Hi, definitely want them. Could you let me know how much postage to 21 goldstone court, Windsor close, BN3WS would be, and let me know a paypal account address and I'll send you some cash. Also, I'm currently offshore and for some reason the corrado.net pages don't seem to be behaving on the company network - its not letting me log in easily. If there's and issues etc could you email me on edwardmason79@yahoo.co.uk.
  2. Hi, are these still available? I'll probably have them if so. ta.
  3. edzer

    Wiring problems

    Hi everyone, Firstly I'm not sure I've posted this in the right place, so apologies if not. My Mreg VR has suddenly sprouted a whole heap of electrical issues and I've got suspicions that they may all be symptoms of the same problem. It may be grounding problem but everything looks ok. All the fuses are fine. I've lost power to the sunroof, interior light, ash tray light and lighter. I cant get the alarm to set (have unplugged the flashers and the siren in order to lock the car) and now for some reason only the passenger window is going up with the auto close. If you lock and unlock the car then the drivers one goes up. Anybody body any ideas or had anything similar? Also, anybody got a set of wiring drawings? Cant find any anywhere and its driving me bonkers. Cheers in advance! Ed
  4. Will do and likewise, please :)
  5. Pretty sure the channels are all good. other than not quite going all the way it seems to work fine. Cheers for replying guys.
  6. Hi, My passenger window is not quite going fully closed when you put it up so it leaves a small gap which lets in water and causes a lot of wind noise. I you physically push the window up it closes until you open and close the window again then the problem reappears. Was wondering if anybody else has come across this and knows what the problem is and if there's an easy fix that doesn't involve replacing the whole mech? I had the door card off and nothing appears out of the ordinary and a trawl through the forum has come up blank. Cheers guys.
  7. Hi guys, I'm looking to find somebody breaking a rado as close to Aberdeen as I can. The driver side rear arch has gone on mine and I want to find a broken rado which has got one in good nick that I can cut out and repair mine with. Anybody know of anything suitable? Cheers guys
  8. So it is something to do with the wheels/tyres. swapped the front and back and the wobbles gone but the whole car shakes above 40. Time for a trip to quick fit. Cheers guys.
  9. Ive hada quick look andthe wheel bolts are def all tight. I'l swap the wheels around and see. wobble starts being noticable at about 40mph or so. Cheers folks.
  10. I've been getting a strange wobble through my steering of my vr for a while and had assumed it was unballanced wheels but I just had them done when I got an MOT last week (going to get them redone just to make sure). Its still there. More worrying is that I took it for a proper burn for the first time in ages last wend and noticed that the wobble seems to get worse under power and breaking. Both track rod ends and roll bar links were changed for the MOT. The wish bone bushes were put down as an advisory but im pretty sure its not that. Had a look through the forums and couldnt found anything that particularly fit. Anybody got any ideas as to what it could be? Cheers guys.
  11. I'm looking for a abs break pedal position sensor? how much?
  12. Actually just found the thread about cheap ones from the US. Cheers though!
  13. My clutch has just gone so I'm about change it, but want to do the timing chains too but am completely skint and need to get the car working again ASAP - Its my daily driver. I realise I really should change the whole lot, however the cost.... Can anyone tell me if i could get away with changing just some bits, and which bits would be absolute musts to change? The tensioners definitely, but is there anything else which are known to go and are an absolute must? cheers!
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