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Posts posted by Unclebuck

  1. I wish I'd seen the program.

    A few years ago I worked for a company that gave me a petrol card. I had to prove to the Financial Director by supplying a photocopy of the (at that time G60) instruction manual, that I should be allowed to buy RON98 fuel.

    The manual says:

    16V - not lower than RON95

    G60 - not lower than RON95. For prolonged high speed driving at high ambient temperatures, RON98 should be used.

    VR6 - RON98. BUT: The use of RON not less than 95 is possible without restrictions. Automatic adaption of ignition timing to fuel quality can during unfavourable conditions cause slight loss of performance. This can be partly compensated for by using RON98.

    (What a weird statement).


    I really wanted to know how supermarket super-unleaded stacks up.

  2. I got cash in lieu for an accident a couple of years ago. Only thing that needed replacing was passenger door. Took it to a good body shop. Car was perfect. It's just a load of hassle, but I'd recommend the option if you really want the car.


    I don't remember the categories for write-offs, but it sounds as this one should be 'uneconomic to repair' rather than 'unroadworthy'?

  3. But if a vehicle has no tax/MOT/insurance, Mr Duck has already ignored a pocket full of letters ...


    The idea is that officers at the roadside are alerted by their ANPR system to Mr Ducks illegal status, and can stop and arrest him. Let him try ignoring that. Police officers without this system cannot check volumes of traffic in the same way.


    It's the old argument of 'Big Brother' versus effective law enforcement (in the interests of the law abiding majority).

    Personally, i hate speed-tax cameras, but really welcome ANPR.

  4. btw.....


    if someone put ANPR cameras every 400 yards along our motorways, there is no computer system on the planet that could cope with the number of queries generated by passing traffic. Suggest you ignore this.


    I think this is being confused with the idea of creating a SPECS system with ANPR capability, to automatically send you your speeding summons. This would remove the need for a human to look at a photo and raise the paperwork manually. This doesn't exist yet, but could be done.

  5. Re. lines on road etc.

    Current ANPR does not take a picture.

    It reads the number plate, and reports back the number.

    Central system is unaware of geographic distance between cameras.


    Patrol cars are linked the the same system. If a vehicle comes up as lacking tax/MOT/insurance, they can stop it. No letters to Mr Duck involved.

  6. Just reading previous posts on this...


    I am not aware of any plans to use ANPR for speeding (ie. as a 'SPECS' system). The whole system is not callibrated for this.

    I for one am all in favour of a system that makes life difficult for the no-insurance, no-MOT brigade.

  7. I was talking to an assistant in Halfords the other day about this. He suggested that when the mobile camera detectors become illegal, the GPS unit suppliers will be able to disable this function through their download to the unit. He seemed to think that buying a separate system was a good idea, so that the radar detector would keep working.

  8. This all sounds familiar. About a year ago my C was taken to the insurers repair/salvage yard after an accident. Insurers were helpful about getting car fixed, but I needed access to the car to drive it around to a few places for quotes. Salvage yard said I didn't own it any more and wouldn't let me have it back. I told them they were talking cr*p, but they were absolutely insistent, and things got quite nasty. I took legal advice, told them I was coming to collect the car, and if they impeded me they would be guilty of theft, and they needed to think hard about how far they wanted to take this. I went to their premises expecting trouble, but prepared to call the police. I was met by their manager who was grovellingly apologetic, showed me to my car, and said that the bloke I'd been dealing with didn't know what he was talking about. He then went on to say that a couple of the 'lads' in the workshop had expressed an interest in my C, and would be interested in offering me a 'write-off' value! At that point, the reason for my problems became clear: the cheeky b*st*rds fancied my C for themselves! Watch out for people making your life difficult.... they may have a motive!

  9. I will change the bulb, and let you know.

    I was going to do it this weekend, but the problem has gone away! I'll wait for it to come back to see if the fix works.


    The damage earlier this year required new passenger door only. Everything worked fine afterwards.


    PS Tried drinking the Calpol. (Tastes fine with vodka.) Woke up two days later. Feel much better, thanks.

  10. I know exactly how you feel. I went through all the same hassle at the start of this year (see my 'write off' thread).

    I'd had my C for 10 years also (from new), before somebody rammed me.


    It's a complete pain in the behind. Hope it works out.

  11. Thanks for the advice. I will change the bulb.

    I suspected something in that area, but the rear brake light is still working OK.

    I guess it's broken in such a way as to still function but also earth the sidelight circuit. I hadn't realised there was a different sidelight circuit for left and right sides.

    It must be what you say. I'll change it. Thanks again.

  12. I noticed this morning as I parked the car facing another, that the front off-side side-light comes on when I press the brake!

    Anyone recognise this problem, or have any ideas? Is it another 'feature'?



  13. Footnote for this thread, which was several months ago.......


    Car is now fully repaired and back in daily use. I think the only replacement part used was the door.

    Excellent job done by PJ Bates in Brum. I was especially impressed at how well the door closes. Good as new!


    Car has subsequently had new clutch, new alarm, new rear discs, new SS exhaust. Phew. It's a happy ending. :D

  14. I only go to a main dealer for a service stamp, and for a diagnosis of what needs doing. I then take the car somewhere else to get the work done by a 'proper' mechanic. I've had too many bad experiences with main dealers over 20 years of owning VWs, to do anything else.

    The last time I had a service (a couple of months ago), I subsequently had to go to my own mechanic for an oil change, as the main dealer (Coventry!) did not stock the fully synthetic oil I had specified. They said there was no call for it.


    Whenever I go to a main dealer, there seems to be some poor mug at the service desk having a blue fit over some grievance or other. It makes me smile 'cos that used to be me.

  15. I'm also in Warwickshire.

    Took my damaged VR6 to PJ Bates in Birmingham earlier this year.

    Did an excellent job: new passenger door and sill + making good rear quarter.


    Discussed full respray with him, but he assured me as rest of car was in good order, the repair would blend in.

    He was right!

  16. I've got the car back with a view to fixing it. I had some hassle getting it back from the garage, but with some prompting from the insurance company they finally released it.


    Wondering whether to have a complete respray. I don't like them, but the alternative is to have one side looking brand new, whilst the rest of it looks 10 years old. Also, it would avoid problems in matching sprayed area and get rid of all the stone chips, etc.

    I'm going to take some pictures, just to demonstrate to any future purchaser that the damage wasn't structural.


    I've had some offers of help in sourcing parts (thanks to those concerned), but I don't want to go too far with this until i've fixed up a deal with the insurance company, who (so far) seem to be being quite reasonable.


    Whilst a near-side door is an easy part to define, i'm not sufficiently familiar with the underlying structure of a Corrado to know where a rear quarter panel starts and finishes. Likewise, i need to replace the sill and B-post, and I'm not sure what this involves.


    By the way, i'm in Kenilworth, Warwickshire (someone asked). Thanks again to all who have corresponded, commiserated and advised.

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