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They guy who crashed into the back of me keeops fobbing me off, and i cant find the no or existence of this company anywahere.





hes going on holiday for 4 weeks(supposidely) as of tmro, and i need to get hiom to accept responsiblity b4 then

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For who?

"Auto Insurance Company"?

You have his numberplate? Call your insurer and tell them his numberplate, they will handle the rest.

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I have the number plate of the car that crashed into me, not the platte on his policy. I 4got to take it down like a plank. And i cant find the insurance company/broker anywhere, been searching all voer the net and my insurance dont even know who they are

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The number plate of the car that crashed into you is enough. Tell them he gave you incomplete details, or even that you lost the paper or something. Your insurance company can trace his insurance company just from the number plate of the car....


Or do you mean he was driving the car without insurance, or under his "drive any car" policy?

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The number plate of the car that crashed into you is enough. Tell them he gave you incomplete details, or even that you lost the paper or something. Your insurance company can trace his insurance company just from the number plate of the car....


Or do you mean he was driving the car without insurance, or under his "drive any car" policy?


yup, it wasnt the car listedn on hi sp olicy, he hasd 3rd part voer on the car that crashed into me, and now hes refusing to give me the car registered to his policy, telling me to call the police etc etc etc my insurance tried calling him and he fobbed them off, and now hes fbbing me off too. Further to my old posts, if you had read them, you can understand y i considered taking the crow bar to head approach.

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Ok, call your insurer, and give them the details you have.

They will trace the owner of the car the guy was driving (since you've got the number plate), and then if the owner refuses to name the actual driver, they will be prosecuted themselves..

Leave it up to the insurance company - there's nothing more you can do if they guy refuses to play ball.


You can also give them the name and phone number of the guy who was driving. Basically just hand over everything you have and wait....

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Ok, call your insurer, and give them the details you have.

They will trace the owner of the car the guy was driving (since you've got the number plate), and then if the owner refuses to name the actual driver, they will be prosecuted themselves..

Leave it up to the insurance company - there's nothing more you can do if they guy refuses to play ball.


You can also give them the name and phone number of the guy who was driving. Basically just hand over everything you have and wait....


great, and i just sopoke to the guy again and he said he didnt care, hes not going thru insurance and hung up on me. My uinsurance cant find the company, and so im going to the police now(as advised)

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great, and i just sopoke to the guy again and he said he didnt care, hes not going thru insurance and hung up on me. My uinsurance cant find the company, and so im going to the police now(as advised)


IMHO your insurance company should be chasing this. It's their responsibility to claim the damages back from the third party insurer, not yours.

They should be the ones taking the matter through the police, requesting the details, etc...

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Since he is so quick to try and settle on his own without informing the insurance companies, it sounds as though he may be uninsured, hence the bogus insurance company no-one can find........ :roll:

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They quote me for replacing rear panel and rear bumper incl labour and respray at £1230


I just spoke to the guy again and explained about the court precedings etc etc etc and the inevitability of masses of cash he will have to cough up for my legal fees his own and the car repairs etc and he agreed on inusrance


but he still wouldnt give me his insurtances' number. I give up. Ive seriously had enough.

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So he agreed to put it on his insurance, and he *still* won't give you the details?? WTF?

He's wasting your time, hand it to the police and your insurer and tell them to sort it out.

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So he agreed to put it on his insurance, and he *still* won't give you the details?? WTF?

He's wasting your time, hand it to the police and your insurer and tell them to sort it out.


Ive gopt all his personal details, address, insurance details, account and client numbers and car reg. But the insurance policy is fully comp on a nother car, and my uinusrance cant trace him unitl i get that info. Which he wont give to me.

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if he has accepted liability i think you can just take him to court personally....small claims court type of thing...


he heasnt accepted liability to my insurance, and he will not tell me inurance his reg no and insurance details


and he wont acswer my calls, and the inevitabiltiy is that if ever he turns his phone off im Fukd

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would recommend you call your local Citizens Advice Bureau, they're geared to advising on indiviual rights in situations like this.


....but as stated above definitely tell the police about the accident, like NOW so you can get a crime reference number.


small claims courts used to take ages, and are held in whichever locality the defendant is registered at - if he's a dodgy sod he'll eithe be 'of no fixed abode', or handily register his address (and therefore local court) hundreds of miles away from where you live just to make it difficiult - and then its your word against him, unless you got witnesses?

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just my mrs who was in the car, and he admitted he did the offence to my insurance on the phone, but told themt o call the police. Seriously fd up, and today i took it to his mechanic to allow them to check the damage, and they reckion i dont need a new bumper, just some filler and a respray. cunts. He wont do insurance, hell only do a cheap job. idiot, he really thinks im gna take my car to his mechanic, and leave it with him for 2 days.


I give up. :2gunfire: :flasingsmile:

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