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boomerang wheel brace

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went round to a mates house yesterday to help him with changing his brake pads, after about 10 minutes he mentioned oh i just got silent hill 4 for the xbox so we left the car for about an hour or three as it had just started raining anyway.

we decided to get back to doing the brakes opened the front door and to my shock :shock: some little scrote was trying to pull the supercharged badge of the back of my c so i went to chase after the little fecker, when he reallised he was off like a shot, well i still had the wheel brace from my car in my hand and when i realised i wasnt going to catch him (too many cream cakes and beer) i lobbed it at him, not really expecting to get him with it, :roll: it was like something from a film it twatted him straight across the back of the head and he went down like the pile of sh!t he was, i realise that i could have seriously injured him but at the time i just saw red, anyway he got back up and carried on running again but me and my mate where too busy pissing ourselves laughing to chase him anymore, i think he got what he deserved though :-P :evil:


he didnt damage the car or the supercharged badge but one of the little plastic bungs that the corrado badge pushes into has gone, can you buy these from vw??

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remind me of Crocodile Dundee when he is in america and hits that guy with a tin can lol


i know how sad ill get my coat :roll:

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:lol: :lol: ..was that anywhere local then?? :lol:


pentre maelor or however you spell it, my mate knows who he is he drives a 1.4 nova he reckons the badge would have been on the back of the nova the next day :mad:

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great shot! :D


Yes, the bungs are available from VAG for about 10p each! 8)

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: One of those moments where I would have just loved to have been there!!!!!!!


And one of those moments that will stick with you forever!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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my mate just rang me from a number i didnt know , he found a samsung t100 on the grass next to where my c was parked when he left for work this morning, looks like this little pr!ck got more than he bargained for :lol: :lol:


this just gets better and better

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You should see if it has a home number programmed into it. If it has ring it tell them you found a phone in the road and would like to return it (being a good samaritan). Then when he meets you scare the living daylights out of the little f**ker :evil: :evil:

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You should see if it has a home number programmed into it. If it has ring it tell them you found a phone in the road and would like to return it (being a good samaritan). Then when he meets you scare the living daylights out of the little f**ker :evil: :evil:


no this sounds like a plan!!!!!


a few massive blocks and i think the affect can be achieved lol

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ive just got a text from him and he thinks its a contract sim as he has allready used it for 2 hours, anybody know of some really expensive numbers he can dial :evil: :evil:

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just do a google search for "chat up line uk" or something

Should be more than a few results =] Then leave dailled for the day. lol

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People in here in the office are like "Thats shocking - not funny etc" and think i'm weird for finding it funny - "Could have killed him or something" - sorry, but I think its class. Thieving little turds - if a little knock on the head every once in a while is going to be enough to put them off doing this kind of thing, then i'm all for it.


I mean obviously you didn't mean to hit him on the head but this tea-leafing mentality is just getting out of hand and little reminders like this help to keep thieves in their place.

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its the only kind of justice that works with these kind of people


im not a violent person but when i see someone damaging my pride and joy there is no way im going to let them off lightly as i know the police are powerless to do anything about it


a friends next door neighbour bought his first motorbike to get to work on two weeks ago, two days later it was nicked out of his garage they reported it to the police and got a crime ref ect ...


the next day his dad was driving through a local (quite rough) housing estate and saw a lad sitting on the bike talking to a bunch of his chav mates he calmly pulled up next to them got out and grabbed for the lad but he got away, but he did find out who he was , he told the police who he was and his address but the police said oh the officer who is dealing with this case is on holiday til wednesday and there is nothing further we can do, and they wonder why people take justice into their own hands :mad: :mad:

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Its like the expected attitude is meant to be "Oh well.. i've had this stolen. I guess i'll just have to claim on insurance, and keep paying through the nose now i've lost my no claims and had to claim for a new car" - like just take it as 'one of those things' - sorry, but no way!


If they just had a bit more power to lock these shitbags up (more prisons I say!) and dealt them harsher justice then they'd learn that pilfering the things we've worked so hard for would NOT be acceptable.

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well my mate has been phoning premium rate phone lines all day and its still working this chav git is going to be in for one hell of a bill :lol: :lol:

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Just seen this. Fantastic :lol: Probably not his phone tho so some other poor sod will get the bill.

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the phone stopped working yesterday so it looks like its been locked but not before he managed to clock up 7 hours worth of calls to porno phone lines and canada :lol: :lol:


he also checked the voice mail message and it is the theiving little scumbags phone, maybe he will think twice next time, or probably nick something else to pay the phone bill :roll:

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