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new look to my c...

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im thinking of changing the look of my c i have tryed most things and now want somthing no one else has done may be fit some merc/amg wheels leather clad dash etc so if any one has any new ideas can they post them here as i think im running out of ideas on changing the look of my c again ?

ps im deftinatly fitting the audi a6 handles...


also thing of nimbus grey with tt comp rims polished etc etc etc...

here's a pic of my c in its current spec "just in case none of you have seen it on vortex etc :lol: ...

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ps sorry about pic size!! can on of the top mods resize it a bit please???



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already been done now !!



You know you want to....... :wink:

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for f**ks sake sukh everytime i get an idea i speak to you or shazz and you allways shatter my dreams on doing somthing original !! "damm you WESTSIDE" :lol: :lol:

Oh well back to the dwg board again!! sukh got any pics mate i would like to see what i could of had!!!? :lol:

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Nimbus grey, tan/baseball colour leather retrim, TT dash, polished TT competitions, and slammed would look awesome IMO! :twisted:


...oh, and sell me your Borbets!!! :wink: :mrgreen:

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Could try some of the old style merc alloys. The big polished ones that completly cover the disks....????


think the TT dash would be class :lol:

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