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Ok, next year I will probably have to do 20k miles per year and as I am getting tired of being shafted by the government left right and centre, not least for paying the highest taxes on fuel in the world I believe! I am beginning to come round to the idea (and jump on the bandwagon) that diesels make sense.

I don't think any of the 4cylinder ones will keep me entertained. I first came round to the idea after being driven from West London to bristol (7 of us including driver!) in a Merc CDI estate (auto).

I know my mate was trying to entertain all of us by flooring it everywhere but let me tell you, this thing can SHIFT! All round I would have to say that I really doubt my Corrado could beat this thing, and that w as with 6 passengers!!! we w ere averaging about 120mph the whole way there and if felt like it would do that all d ay long.

I have heard the 330D is fantastic, can it be had in 2 door? Also has anyone driven a chipped one? apparently that equates to around 400 pounds of torque!! sounds pretty crazy so I am very intrigued. I know someone was selling one on ebay recently I think.

ta. :wink:

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i dont care what car makers say, diesel cars ARE Loud and DO smell bad!

Saying that if i was doing 20k+ a year i would have one! My mates dad runs a car lot, mainly selling BMW's and the 330D is a great car! not been in a chipped one but i dont think it needs it TBH!

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I'm with you on the diesel front, got a Polo 1.9TDI being delivered on monday - not quite your Merc tho :D

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...and if you stay VAG and can find a local Bio-Diesel supplier, you'll be laughing (although other marques don't mind too much either, but VAG are bulletproof). Passat TDi, £40 for a 15 Gallon tank, 650 miles per tank 8) I still want my 'rado back though :cry:



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Although it doesn't sound as nice, a guy who I work with has a Honda accord i-cdti and it is quiter on idle than my Corrado VR6, and my Corrado is running very well at the moment! :wink:

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Bio-diesel? The stuff I use is basically recycled chip fat (98%) and methanol (2%). There's a local company round my way that collects all the used vegetable oil from takeaways for free (which is great for the takeaway), adds the methanol (something to do with combustion), and then process it by gentle heating. They then skim off all of the crap from the top and you're left with diesel, the only difference is that it's created from vegetable oil rather than mineral oil. Actually, tell a lie, the bio gives better power, less emissions, is environmentally friendly and costs only 70p/litre :D

All completely legal as long as you buy from a supplier that is giving HM government a cut... The really annoying thing is that in the rest of the EU there is NO tax on it at all as it's a sustainable fuel, here there's a 20p concession. :mad:

There are 2 types of bio out there though...that which I use, and that which is 95% diesel and 5% chip fat and priced at about 5p MORE a litre designed to con 'hippie types.'

If you need a supplier, check out the farmers weekly website, or if you have a garage, scour the internet for wholesale suppliers or details of how to make your own... :twisted:

Drop me a line if you want any more info,



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Diesels are pretty good now, they are as quick, in some instances they are quicker than petrols, they do 50mpg and they have better torque for overtaking, they are cheaper to run...and some are not loud or smelly... BMW, mercs maybe not the VAG cars yet.. Take the new Jag S-type twin turbo diesel... look at the performace figures then get back to me.... awesome. I hated them before I had one, overtaking is made so easy with them!

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Diesels are pretty good now, they are as quick, in some instances they are quicker than petrols


There you go question solved !!


Get yourself the 150bhp golf tdi motor and graft it into the c !!! :wink:

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I'd forgive if it was just vag, but bmw and merc? :cry: :lol:

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tho in defence for diesels... since i brought g60 i have been commuting on the train rather than driving as £15 a day in fuel not heathy. Wish i still had my mk2 gti for work was good on fuel £5-7.50 a day.

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Diesels are pretty good now, they are as quick, in some instances they are quicker than petrols, they do 50mpg and they have better torque for overtaking, they are cheaper to run...and some are not loud or smelly... BMW, mercs maybe not the VAG cars yet.. Take the new Jag S-type twin turbo diesel... look at the performace figures then get back to me.... awesome. I hated them before I had one, overtaking is made so easy with them!


I've driven the S-type twin turbo diesel (the sports version!!). Its a monster, probably the best car i've ever driven! (not including the corrado obviously!). I liked it better than the XK8 I drove on the same day and that had 4l V8 in it!!!



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Diesels are pretty good now, they are as quick, in some instances they are quicker than petrols, they do 50mpg and they have better torque for overtaking, they are cheaper to run...and some are not loud or smelly... BMW, mercs maybe not the VAG cars yet.. Take the new Jag S-type twin turbo diesel... look at the performace figures then get back to me.... awesome. I hated them before I had one, overtaking is made so easy with them!


I've driven the S-type twin turbo diesel (the sports version!!). Its a monster, probably the best car i've ever driven! (not including the corrado obviously!). I liked it better than the XK8 I drove on the same day and that had 4l V8 in it!!!




I rest my case....!

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TBH, the cost of crude oil will force our hand.

My tale is probably similar to yours ---- after much 'psychological resistance' , a reasoned evaluation resulted in me looking for a BMW 330d SPORT as the 'family car'. However when push came to shove in the showroom I couldn't resist the traditional petrol version and ended up buying a 330 Sport petrol version. It could also have had something to do with the several thousand pound premium the diesel was commanding over the petrol.

Anyway I have had the petrol 330 for a couple of months now and it goes like stink and is the most solidly built car I have ever owned. However, considering the similarity with the VR6 in engine facts such as displacement, I foolishly believed that my fuel consumption would also approximate to the VR. Reality has hit hard, and the combined figure I'm getting from the BMW is around 25mpg. The highest Ive obtained on the motorway cruise is 28mpg. I find this unacceptable to be honest especially when BMW quoted figures are 4-5mpg better.

My decision - to trade in the 330 sport for the new series 330d sport when it comes out in a few months.


In the end of the day, what we want is grunt and with torque figures that defy belief from the new common rail BMW engines, no-one can say they are not 'sporty engines'.

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I'm in the process of building a MK2 TDI (non PD) diesel at the moment for the very reason of running costs because of the miles I do. WIth a few hundred quid I am looking to get 150 brake and more importantly, 230lb ft of torque from it.

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Mines a 90 brake, so non variable vane turbo. A pity but I couldnt get hold of a 110 at the time. Its a MK4 golf engine tho, so should last a while.

Just got the wiring to do, sort the boost pipes, and make sure all is tickety boo for a while before I start modding it. I've been speaking to Simon Cooper from Central VWAudi a lot about this, what he doesnt know isnt worth knowing.

After his advice I already have the uprated injectors ready to put in, got them for a really cheap price as well! :D


I cant wait to drive it when its done, I reckon with the torque it will put out the driving experience wont be too far removed from my VR in terms of the shove in the back when the foot is planted

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Yeah i've heard good things about simon at Central, uprated injectors is defo the way to go then a remap i know of someone who fitted 216 injectors on a 110 and gave him about 150bhp on standard map! :shock: Driving it will be a blast mate all that torque is great! :) Let me know how it go's :wink:

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216 Injectors are what I have, from the 2.5L Diesel van. I have a good friend who works at VW in the parts dept, and they are over £650 new :o Good job I didnt even pay a third of that.

The figures of 150 and 230lb ft are from Simon......hopefully get it remapped before christmas with any luck

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