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VR6 Rattling Clutch (& Inspecting Timing Chains)

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You could try Jim Cotton at Awesome or Steve Cresswell at C&R, they're both technical and should be able to help - if they're open that is! Shame Vince is on holiday as he'd be able to tell you in an instant. What about the Bentley manual, does it not say in there? Or the Peter Russek pocket book if you've got one? Have you turned the engine at all since the chains have come off? Does the sprocket not go on one way only? PhatVR6 would know if he's on as he's done them before.

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Hi Kev, Sadly, my new laptop (xp) refuses to run Bentley despite the various fixes peeps have posted and I've no other books. No, I've not turned it at all, all locked up. But the spindle that the intermediate sprockets fit onto seems to be just that - a spindle - not mechanically connected to anything other than the sprockets/chains. Hadn't thought of calling the guys you suggest as thought they were more into supplying bits rather than this type query.

Have tried to att pic of my poorly top tensioner pad about to fall to bits - notice the split by the bottom rivets :shock:

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Wahay, finally got a picture to post up. Actually it doesn't show the split too well, but I'll put some better ones up later when downloaded from the camera

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Yeah that's what mine looked like at 93K. Did you notice crumbs of phenolic resin everywhere behind the timing covers? That gets into the sump aswell :x Make sure you nip the large plastic chain rail up to the head good and tight aswell as I noticed both the bolts holding mine were loose!


Can't help you on the intermediate sprocked I'm afraid as Vince did mine. Is there no indication at all as to it's most likely position? Is there not a slot or shaped link in the chain you have to align the sprocket too? Or maybe there is a mark on the block/head somewhere you may not have seen yet? Seems odd to use a free spinning pulley as a timing reference point with two possible marks to set it to!

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Heh, my tensioner was MUCH worse than that when it came off.. :)

But then, that was at a leggy 117k miles..


I am led to believe that the absolute position of the intermediate sprocket doesn't matter. Or at least that it can be set 180 degrees out without trouble. The only thing that matters is lining the cams to the crank.

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Yeah Kev, bits of resin all over the end of the block, might be worth an oil change too if it gets in the sump. The vortex diy thread mentions loctiting the shorter bolt on the guide rail (mine was) to stop it coming out and fouling the chain. The sprocket timing position is odd isn't it, but there is a definite setting point - just that there are two marks on the block, so the sprockets can be at 0 or 180, obviously with the crank and cams at TDC position. I'll do a couple of pics tomorrow. I was just a tad concerned whether the 0/180 question was an issue or not (as long as it is exactly one or the other). From what you say Matt it doesn't appear to be a problem. Only 117k on your tensioner, mines got 124 on it - so you've obviously ragged yours lol.

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Well mine was clearly ragged more if the pad was fecked at 93K!

I'm kind of on Matt's way of thinking on that pulley. The intermediate pulley is what drives the oil pump, so I can't see what difference the timing marks would make to that to be honest but the marks must be there for a reason. I'm sure you'll suss it out and well done for tackling this yourself 8)

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Tee Hee, that was slack of me - didn't notice that Kev :lol:

Oh dear this task is d r a g g i n g o u t, good job no rush to move the car, had to get away and do a bit of family loss support. Anyway, I spoke to Vince this morning and he confirmed (my concerns) that the chains intermediate sprockets MUST be fitted with the timing mark uppermost otherwise it just don't run right; can't say why but tis the case. Glad I waited cos I put it on the other way up (where you can see the timing mark unobstructed) lol. Just waiting for a couple of new bolts for the lower tensioner now (sigh) and new seal(s) for the oil cooler then I might be able to start getting her back together next week. Really starting to miss her now, specially as I've been caning the valver up and down to Weymouth the last week.

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Good old Vince.... you'll notice he has a full head of hair because he never needs to scratch it saying "erm, err, not sure..." :lol:


Glad it's progressing.... don't forget lots of tasty pics for the 'how to' area :D

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Yep he's a 'good bloke' alright. Right about the hair - mines fast disappearing :D Lavishly illustrated writeup definitely to follow soon's I can manage

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Whahay :lol: Good news at last. Just got my broadband up an running today, bit quicker than dial up - thanks to Andi (& Patrick), though have a snag with recieving email which hopefully will resolve tomorrow.

But better news, the VR fired up first turn of the key (after winding her without ign to get the oil round the innards first) at 1448 hrs yesterday. She lives and breathes :D . Just got to fully tighten the drive shafts and refit the wheel arch inners tonight, wash the workshop dust off, then ready to take her out for a run tomorrow :D :D :D

Now I might get round to writing about the job ....

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Excellent news Chris! Must be so much more satisfying hearing her start and run having done all the work yourself?


Looking forward to seeing the piccy guide :wink:

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