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Gear change problem

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Got a strange problem with gear changes at the moment hoping someone can possible identify the cause.


For the past month the gear change has become very grabby, not sure how best to describe it. No matter how well i try and change gears it always grab and causes a jolt as you come back out of the bite point. The higher the revs for more of a jolt, even at low speeds/revs and no matter how slowly i try it causes it, also doesnt get any better or worse with heat. I did get the clutch changed before Christmas while the car was in for engine work, i didnt have the problem then and I've covered roughly 1000miles since the change. Other thing i did notice after the engine work, id had the front mount changed and the nut nearest the front on the underside has sheared off.


Any ideas and how as to whats causing this, wish it was as simple as better clutch control?

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I have exactly the same problem! I'd be interested if you find out what it is. I've got it booked into a garage for some work next month and may get them to take a look.

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