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G60 Rocker Cover

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Had the ISV off today for cleaning and noticed the rocker cover was leaking a bit at the back so thought it would be a good time to change the gasket I bought last year...


Fairly straight forward, ISV off, TB vacuum pipe off, 6mm allen bolts for the brackets to the TB, a couple of other things need unplugging and moved out of the way and I had to loosen the two 10mm bolts to the FPR to allow the cam cover to come up...


I was hgowever suprissed at the state of things underneath, particuarly the colour!! - I did my mk2 Golf at the same mileage (100k's) and it was a lot cleaner than that!


For info the Corrado has had oil changes every 3k since I've owned it with synta silver and new G60 filter every time too, oil temp is controlled by a remote mocal cooler, example - I have not seen it go above 90 degrees since before xmas...


Anyway, cleaned the inside of the cover, the baffle and the gasket surfaces and stuck the new gasket on with a bit of oil and got it all back together again...


For info the bolts are 10mm and need to be done up to 10Nm (altho mine are 12 as thats as low as the wrench would go..) Its also worth buying a few new nuts as I found the thread had stipped completly off one of them!


Gasket is an Elring one, £8 from GSF

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sound 8) need to do this to mine too!


are you sure you didnt fill it with blood rather than quantum? :? :lol:



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Mine was exactly the same on my 113,000 miles G60. The important thing was that the actual oil was clean and there was no visible wear at all on the cam lobes. BTW, where did you get you Samco coolant hose kit and how much was it? :)

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Yeah, the oil was fairly clean (considering its due for a change again now)


Cam lobes were fine and tappets are still original and quiet, one thing I did notice was the casting on the head, on the front side of the cam its very smooth around the edges but if you look at the back on the picture, notice how rough it is like its just come out of the mould and it looks like those thin bits of metal are about to fall off - altho they are pretty tough...


I just don't understand why one side has been more 'finished' than the other, I wonder if I got a friday afternoon engine!

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Oh yeah, sorry Samco's I bought second hand (but new) from someone on here at a very good price! - I think it was about half the price they would cost for both sets (the water and the boost)


They are a git to fit tho and the intercooler pipes they sent me didn't fit even tho the kit was specifically for a Corrado G60 - I contacted Samco about this and they said they'ed get back to me but never did...

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mine was like that when JMR fitted a portted head a couple of weeks ago. Cheap oil by previous owner!!!!!!!!

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I took the head off a similar mileage G60 engine last week and it was in the same state. There was a serious build up of crap on the inside of the rocker cover as well. Like your engine the cam lobes were perfect but when I got the head off there was serious wear on the bores.

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Hmmm... there was a bit of cack on the inside of the cover but nothing I couldn't remove with degreasent in 5 minutes... It tends to collect there I think despite the splash gaurd...


The engine is in a good state I think, pulls ok and doesn't use much oil, is that colour something to do with forced induction engines..?


I don't think its caused by cheap oil as It's had VW services up to 80k's and changes every 3k since I bought it (on 73k's) with synta silver...

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I quite fancy kitting the engine out with new hoses as on of my coolant hoses split the other day. I would imagine the remaining boost and coolant hoses are in a similar state. The Samco's probably aren't any more expensive than the VAG items!

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