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Hans G60.nl

Does anyone know how to build a shift light ?

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You all know them i suppose, the shift light which comes with the big rev. counters, i don't really like a big rev. counter for a corrado, but i do really want a shift light..


this is the idea:


there are places left in the dashboard for led's, just beneath the rev. counter... i want to put in 2 lights there, 1 for maximum torque, 1 for the maximum revs to shift at the right moment..


at the second led i want to connect a buzzer..


now i only have 1 problem left:

how do i build a print for this ?

like, what components would i need, how should i build a print (or let build if it's a difficult one, i can't make a real print myself, just pin on with the prints with holes in them)


etc. etc.


any ideas ?

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I guess you'd need some kind of logarithmic counter chip, such as the LM3914,3915 & 3916 series. These chips count events (such as hall sender pulses for instance) and can be made to do certain things against certain parameters, like displaying a grid of LEDs etc etc.


You could just buy a tacho kit and take the circuit board out and run fly leads off the LED outputs and mount your own bulbs as you wish?



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i think the tacho kit is a bit simpler to do...


then 2 bright led's and a buzzer connected...






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Autometer do a shift light the same as the ones that bolt onto there rev counters maybe easier to sort one of them

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Go to http://www.summitracing.com, and look up shift lights. There's a company called proform i think which do seperate shift lights. You simply dial in the revs on the back without any need for rpm pills e.t.c. I think they are only 40 odd dollars. Not as neat as your idea but easier???? :)

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i don't know if you know the CONRAD business, well know in the netherlands and germany,.... i have seen a little print with the components on their site..

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