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hello all,

need someone to set me straight on whether something is wrong or not.

when im at idle my mpg figures keep dropping, when i set off they rise as normal but every time i stop they drop slowly is it me or is this normal.

95 VR6.

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Mine does the same. Dunno if it's normal. Just imagined your economy would drop as you are spending fuel but you aren't covering any distance.

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cheers BOJMOBILE sounds logical, guess its just me looking for problems. just sorted out a list of problems so hopefully its normal thanx again. :thumb right:

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When you stop, you're not covering any distance but you are still using fuel to keep the engine running at idle therefore the mpg drops and would eventually fall to zero.


Hope this helps!



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It simply does the maths:


"Fuel used" / "Distance travelled"


(averaged over about the last 30 minutes)


As has been said above, distance travelled in last 30 minutes does not increase if you're standing still, while "Fuel used" does, even if not by much.


Using the "SECRET CODES IN YOUR DASHBOARD" (sic) you can get an instantaneous fuel economy reading. Prepare to be terrified by figures of 11mpg, 9mpg and even 6mpg at full throttle and 5000rpm in 2nd gear...


And, of course, ZERO mpg if you are stationary in traffic.

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