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G60 Clutch?!?!?!

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im new on here, iv recently bought myself a g60 corrado, last night i went to a bit of a vw meet near me, to cut a long story short, i went for 3rd gear, but it crunched and i couldnt get it?


i can select gears when the enignes off, but when its running the clutch doesnt work, the pressures there and it feels normal, but its now working!


is the clutch just dead? :roll:

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i had to drive it home in 3rd gear, and as i was driving i pressed the clutch, and it was still driving the wheels even with the clutch in

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You may have a faulty

clutch slave cylinder,any need

to top up the hyd. oil?,have you

tried pumping the pedal?Try bleeding

the clutch line/cyilinder.

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Ooo, forgot that one. It's a doddle to do the slave, cheap parts too. GSF do them for very reasonable money.


If you search on here for clutch slave replace, there is a stack load of info.

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tried bleeding it, dont think its the slave cylinbder, cus the clutch feels the same as before it went, plus the brakes are okay?

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no chance, i love this car!!!


I mean this car that the clutch has gone in, i have just seen for sale on here.... ive only had it a few days. lol

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fatdaz, it's not a Green G60 is it?


If you get the clutch done, get hold of a VR6 one from ECP or GSF , it's exactly the same to fit, but it's uprated and will take more power than the G60 one... 8) strangely it's also cheaper than the G60 one... :? :roll: 8)

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If you get the clutch done, get hold of a VR6 one from ECP or GSF , it's exactly the same to fit, but it's uprated and will take more power than the G60 one... strangely it's also cheaper than the G60 one...


dies that apply to all models....as in....would a vr6 clutch go straight in my car?

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no idea... sorry... I only know that the VR6 clutch has the same dimensions and number of splines on the drive as the G60 one, but has uprated springs in both the pressure plate and for the dampening on the friction plate... 8)

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ahh well....at least i found a question that you dont know the answer to! hehe :cheers:

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hey, I know pretty much not a lot about the VR6 or 2.0 engines in Corrados 'cos I've never played with either... there's time yet though... ;) :lol:

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I know pretty much not a lot about


strange way of sayin f**k all... :D


If you want a project to learn on how about i send my car to you for a turbo conversion or something?...

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no its a white one, i bought it of endor 71, "g60 cc"


I love the car, shame about the clutch going though,


so you think i should get a vr6 clutch, im gona have a new flywheel aswell, iv been advised to get an original vw part


what you think

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why get a new flywheel? Did the car used to judder as you let the clutch up? If it did then I suppose it's possible that the old flywheel could do with a skim, but the chances of warping one are next to zero....


With regard to the VR6 clutch... it's uprated AND cheaper than the G60 clutch and needs NO modifications to fit it instead of the G60 one... Ummm... think that's a bit of a no-brainer to be honest... ;) :lol:


I just looked it up and it's only 50p cheaper now at GSF... still worth doing though... 8)


18973L CLUTCH KIT-228mm LUK CO VR6 8/91 > 86.00


Oh, and corradowales, no, the VR6 clutch WON'T fit your car... your car has a 215mm clutch, the VR6 has a 228mm, so you'd probably need a new flywheel to get it to fit... :|

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it never used to judder at all, the clutch never even slipped or anything like that, it was absolutley perfect, it just went all of a sudden as i went ot change into 3rd.


Ive been told it could be the flywheel, the clutch could have broke, or it has stuck to the flywheel, and apparantly all three have happened before, so i thought to be on the safeside, wihile its off, ill replace the 2

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nah, IMHO, if it won't disengage the odds are that the springs in the pressure plate have collapsed, especially if it just suddenly went without slipping or juddering first... that's quite common on G60s... :roll:

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