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Brakes - VR6

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Hello, just joined this forum and sent of my CCGB application after 2 yrs of owning my corrado !! Coincidentally i have a problem i need advice for, an ABS light coming on, going off, coming on....you get the picture :? !! A common problem too i see from reading a few posts..!!


The brakes were done on my car, front and rear, about 5-6months ago, only pad change though and carried out by me and my unc' ! The light problem only started about 3weeks ago. Sometimes once the car is warm and you turn it off and back on again the light will go out and stay out but then sometimes it'll just flick back on. Also, i've had a funny feeling through the pedal just after i switch the car on for first time of the day, its almost as if the brake pedal stiffens for a moment then back to normal..??

Any clues please ???


I've also heard that someone has a kit for door handles, im much in need ! Both mine went, at the same time, which causes embarassing situations in tesco's car park surrounded by family's staring at me as if i clamber through the boot !! Anyone know of this person ??


I seem to have written an essay, i'll go now, thanks for reading :D

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hey and welcome to the forum!!!


1. the repair kit is from Daves16v, if you do a search you`ll find him, its a common problem that we all have


2. the funny feeling is normal afaik, its the abs pump priming itself so nothing to worry about (i think although someone who actually has abs on their car will come along to put me straight) more to worry about if it doesnt do this as they are mega bucks to get replaced


3. dunno about the abs sensors, but yes they do seem like a common problem across the range



oh and it will be a little quiet on here this weekend as most are at inters... cant wait for the photos


hope this helps mate



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Welcome to the forum Moonie!


I had a simlar problem with the ABS light on my 'rado when I bought it. Sometimes the light would be on, sometimes it wouldn't - switching the car off and restarting would sometimes put the light out again. My problem turned out to be one of the wheel sensors - easy to replace yourself (once you've got the old sensor out) and cost me £41 for a front sensor.


I bought a VAGCOM diagnostic kit which IMHO is essential for any VR6 owner. This will tell you exactly what the problem with the ABS is. Using a diagnostic kit is the easiest way to find the problem - either buy one yourself, see if you can find someone local with VAGCOM to diagnose it for you (there's a thread on here somewhere with a list of people), or take it to a garage that has suitable kit and get a printout.


There is a way of testing the sensors manually - testing resistance or voltage, but I can't remember the exact procedure, though I think it's detailed in another thread somewhere.


I'd also recommend getting yourself the Bentley workshop manual - quite pricey, but pretty good (it's cheaper to buy from Amazon Canada or America than the UK).

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Hi Moonie, and welcome. You'll certainly find this a very useful forum for looking after you motor - far better than others I could mention. Take the wheels off and check the sensor for grit or muck in front. Also check the ABS cage as this can sometimes give a false reading. Brake cleaner, or even carb cleaner can be used the clean up the sensor.


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Hi all !


Thanks for all your responses, it was much appreciated and very helpful. I havent had a chance to check any of it yet as been working nightshift so been sleeping all day !


I will re-post once i've checked it all out and let you know the outcome :D


Thanks again peeps !

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ABS light coming on, going off, coming on....


Assuming you can clear all of the individual wheels, there is a problem that affects older corrados, and thats the loom getting wet, capillary action pulls water into the passenger compartment and then drips into the ABS brain which on a wet day, or when the engine compartment gets wet, shorts out, turns on the warning light and goes awol.


How to check? Go to the passenger footwell, and remove the ABS brain cover. Its the large square lump at the bottom just by the door hinge. Two philips screws are removed, plus the finishing plug on the panel and the cover can be slid off with the shelf still in place. When u see the ABS brain, pop the plug and get a torch, shine it down. If you see green/white wet corrosion, spray the area with silicon oil, allow it to dry. Then go back to the ABS pump (engine bay, it has 6-8 brake pipes coming off it), find the other end of that cable, and spray WD40 over it. Let it dry, do it again 3-4 times over 2-3 days. Put everything back. Disconnect the battery and reconnect after 10 mins. Start the engine, warm it up, test the brakes with a stationary car and then carry on as normal. It may light up twice after this, but thats just old water evaporating, once thats gone you should be fine.


All of this assumes that your other sensors were fine. Check them first.

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