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Republic Of Mancunia

95 VR6 Problems

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Hi all, I've got a couple of problems with my VR and hope someone can point me in the right direction.


Recently I fitted a new Alpine stereo to the car, whilst doing this I inadvertently ran the battery down to the extent that it wouldn't start. After a good few hours on charge it started fine and I took it out for a good long run.


A few days later I noticed.......


Problem 1


My spoiler isn't going up all the way when I hit 60. It is only going up 1/2 of the way and doesn't return properly when I come to a stop. When I use the button on the dash it takes 4 or 5 attempts to get it to go up all the way and the same to put it down.


Problem 2


When I started the car yesterday my ABS light came on and stayed on. I tested the brakes and it skidded. Tried again and forgot to put my foot on the clutch so the car stalled. When I restarted it the ABS light went off, tried the brakes again and the ABS kicked in. Happy Days...... or so I thought. Went out in it again today and the ABS light is back on and no ABS.



Have I done something dodgy with the wiring? Or fried something when it was on charge? Or is this just a coincidence?


Is there anything I can check before I take it to a garage and for them to turn around and say 2k please!!!

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Spoiler sounds like it's getting stiff (oooerrr), as for the ABS the only sensible way to tell what's up with it is to scan the error codes. Most likely it's a problem with one of the front wheel sensors. They are often intermittent like you describe.

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