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reluctant to start, then BIG jerk pulling away

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just been out for lunch, went to start the car and it didnt fire, turned over for a few seconds, rev's rose to about 4000k so i stopped, and tried again, this time it fired as it normally does. Reversed out of the parking space, into first and pulled off...power dies for a second then theres a BIG jerk, tyres squeak and car shoots forwards....then its fine! idle is where it should be, engine sounds fine... drive in to town and back with no further issues.


One thing i've noticed recently is that it seems to be running a little oddly in that when i'm holding constant revs i can feel it backing off very very slightly every so often, the only way i can describe it is like very slight subtle engine braking which comes and goes....


any ideas whats going on?

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What you enjoy a BIG Jerk?




Chris...check your throttle cable isn't sticking.... can't think of anything else that cause the revs to fly up to 4000rpm like that, other than some strange ISV, MAF and TPS conspiracy to p1ss you off.....


The 'hunting' on part throttle is a common VR thing, usually the MAF....

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cheers kev, I'll check the throttle cable, hopfully it wont get stuck open on the way home (honestly osserfer, the throttle jammed!) I wondered if it might be the MAF after seeing how chris vr6nos's ran when his wasnt working right, probably just another thing to add to the list of 'niggles' to fix!

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