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Written Off My C :(

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Its a very sad day for me guys, crashed my corrado last night in Godalming. :cry:


its a write off no doubt about it. question is what do i do ? apart from cry a bit more. got cut up by a taxi driver and thought it would be better to go up the kerb than go into the taxi. but the kerb had a lampost on it. and a wall behind that = big mess. question is as the car has a few nice things in it, stage 4 charger, mint leather interior and a set of new coilovers in the boot etc. how much do you reckon they will give me for the car and how much do you reckon it'll cost to buy it back as scrap ? i dont really know what to do, any advice would be helpful. ive just lost my dream car and im gonna :snipersmile: the taxi driver when/if i find him !!

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hard luck for you there, to buy back your car all depends on your insurance company as some wont let you if you do get it back strip it and put it in your next car or sell to fund your next car.

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sorry to hear that dude :( if you can get the car recovered to your home do, you can the strip it of all you want, as soon as it enters a yard the insurance company own it and you won't be able to get the good stuff back so easily.

my fingers are crossed for you, good luck

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cheers guys, something really bad just happened tho. about 10 minutes ago my workmate phoned me up, someone just T-boned his vectra coming out of a junction with him and his girlfriend in the car and wrote that off. how weird is that? they are both ok tho.


on a brighter note, ive searched the forums and it seems i should be able to break the car for parts and get about £2k all going well, if i can get the car back.


police officer said i was lucky to be alive, if i was driving a ford or anything else he said there would no doubt be a fatality :shock:

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Been looking around and ive had a brain wave, if i find a g60 like this one


http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... %3AIT&rd=1


could i put my engine in it (96k on the clock) then sell its original one, and also put my leathers in it ? how much do u reckon it'll cost if i wanted to do this ? i could do the interior myself but how much for getting a garage to swap the engines over ? and would i need to do anything else ?

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if you are thinking of going down that route i would buy a car thats not been in a accident i paid £900 for a 1.8 16v. i mean whats the point in going to all that trouble swaping engines, interior and stuff to be left with a cat D car.


just my thought

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you have to be carefull it can take weeks for a car to be registered. a friend of my checked on a car which had been in a accident and it was clean then decided not to have it and when another person did a check a few weeks later it was cat'ed

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Firstly sorry abot the Rado, secondly Did you get the taxi drivers reg number, if so then report him, if not and u have witnesses there is a system you can claim against for this type of thing.

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time isnt really an issue !! got my little golf driver runabout still ! didnt get the taxi's reg tho, i really am up for ripping his legs off and making him eat them tho! im just really saddened by it all, copper nearly arrested me for mouthing off!! couldnt believe that. surely there must be cctv, but nobody is interested. whats happened to this country is it full of lazy SH*Ts or what ? they just think young lad fast car and thats it, i dont drive like a muppet when im behind a car ive been waiting 5 years to drive !!


anyway, whats the story about changing engines etc ? i dont understand a bit of it. are they more expensive to insure after even tho it'll be same car with the same engine just from my old corrado ? please explain !!


and thanks for your help too guys. i am a bit :mad2: at the moment !!

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G60_Stoney, by law you are allowed to ask for CCTV tape if you feel that you are on them. even if you go into a shop and dont want anyone proving you were there. its as simple as that. I think it part of the Data protection act or something along those lines.

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Make sure you raise the question of scrap value with your insurers from the outset, as that will make things easier for you to arrange. I've recently gone through this myself BTW.


I don't believe most insurers have a particularly aggresive attitude to people buying the scrap back as part of the settlement. After all it means less work for them to dispose of it. My car (a 1995 VR6) was purchased back for the princely sum of just £400 - about 10% of the value. I would expect your G60 could be purchased for £200-£400 based on that.


Remember, until you accept the claim settlement, the car is legally yours. You do not have to accept the claim settlement if the insurer starts playing up over either the value or your wanting to keep the salvage. There is no reason for them to really keep it, so if they argue, ask them to justify why they so deperately want to retain it.


Assuming you get the salvage for (say) £250 you should be able to sell the engine on for more than that, and combined with removing and selling a few other bits from the car, you should at least be able to cover your excess costs too, if not more.



John (replacement VR6 acquired today :D)

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soz to hear about your 'Rado... engine transplant sounds like a good one tho if you can get a decent garage rate (or know a mechanic you can bribe *)


glad your mate is okay... but look on the bright side - it's another Vectra (or Vauxhall chicane as I like to think of them) off the road!!

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went to the scrapyard where its being held today to get my stuff out of it. had a set of coilovers in the boot waiting to be fitted, they dissapeared until i started getting angry with them, then the magically reappeared !! seems 4 people are already sniffing round my car waiting to buy it!! need your advice tho. as the front suspension disappeared from under the car, people have been taling about cracks in the engine, thus making it useless for putting in another corrado ? is that likely or would the sump take most of the battering ? the shocks were next to the car when it came to a halt so it didnt grind itself along the ground or anything. any ideas ?

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