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4 Wheel alignment - Stratford area

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I've got some serious steering problems going on when accelerating and decelerating. It's actually pretty scary at high speed. So I want to get a 4 wheel aligment done, and the bushes checked out too.


Anyone know a decent place to get this done around the Stratford on Avon area?



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Well we do seem to bring them up quite a lot but Stealth Racing have a proper 4 wheel alignment system now.. they are based in Southam nr Coventry.. not very far from Stratford at all.

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I think Silverline Tyres in Warwick have 4-wheel laser alignment. They charge big bucks (I think it was around 65 quid) for the privelige, but worth giving them a go.


They're normally pretty good for prices on tyres as well...



(And when I first saw "in Stratford" and saw your location as Clapham I thought you meant Stratford, not Stratford-on-Avon!!!)

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you will find a lot of tyre places doing 4 wheel aligment and not just stealth,all off which are trained to use them the same as steath

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does the car have all 4 wheels adjustable due to the passive rear steering?


just wondering cos it cost me 120 quid to get the CTR done because of all 4 wheels being done!



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The passive rear steering is (as far as I know, but I could be wrong!) down to the design of the rear axle bushes isn't it?


I don't think there's any edjustment there at all

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im not sure myself mate! all i know is to a point the rear wheels turn in as well...... if it can do this i would have thought you can adjust them but then again its a torsion bar which normally isnt adjustable........


if it was wishbones/trailing arms etc.. then it would defiantely need rear adjustment....


havnt got a clue! :lol:



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The camber and toes are indeed adjustable on the rear axle. Although the difference it makes overall would probably go unnoticed.

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what about tyre wear tho? would this make a difference?


im interseted mainly cos i have had the fornt end in bits and camber and tracking are all over the shop!



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If you mean front tyre wear, then yes of course it makes a lot of difference as does balancing. Bad tracking, balancing etc can bugger new tyres in no time. Not only is the tyre not sitting properly, but cornering will also have a more adverse effect on the lifespan of the tyres.


The rear tyres would suffer a small amount, but mainly down to bad balancing not tracking.


Oh yeah and obviously incorrect tyre pressures will also lead to uneven wear.

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i was getting at making sure the front is aligned ok u need to use back to check setup, if back is out then its all out......


i know bout tyre wear i have fast road setup on the CTR so get uneven wear because of it ;)



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The rear axle has very limited adjustment so I think a "4 wheel alignment" is a bit of a con really, the rear is basically fixed therefore you just need to align the front with the rear!

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