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Speed bumps on the M25??

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It will happen, one day.....


The council has finally covered the entire local area with speed bumps, width restrictions and priority lanes. It has now got to the point that I cant drive for more than 100 yards without encountering some restriction.


The other day I was approaching a speed bump/width restriction/priority combo at the end of my road, it was my priority but the oncoming car thought sod it and kept coming, I had to quickly pull in to let the git through. As I tried to come out and line up for the 6ft gap I clipped a corner of kerbstone, and due to my bloody Goodyears having paper walls, down goes the tyre! Now this particular combo has kerbs parallel with the hump, but they don't slope down into the road, so you have concrete corners on show. Surely this isn't right? I was going to phone the council and get them to sort it out, but I don't think they'd bother.


A main road not far from me had bumps put down on the entire 1 mile stretch. The local residents complained, saying that lorries were making too much noise driving over them, and their Ferrari's didn't like them, so they took them all up. Tax payers money down the drain.


I know safety is the ultimate goal but is it just getting ridiculous?

If they are meant to kill speed then bollox, kids that drive mad around residential areas still do if the bumps are present, to them it's fun trying to jump them, and they're not bothered about fecking the suspension on their Nova's! And most family cars nowadays can drive over them without noticing a thing.

Emergency services must be suffering, it take's them longer to get to you and if its an ambulance longer to return to the hospital, that's assuming your still alive after the motocross trek.


Would we the public be wasting our time if we put in a petition to the MoT,

maybe even getting Clarkson in on the act!


Might be worth a go 'cos one day there will be speed bumps on the M25.

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What about a campain to honk your horn evertime you drive over one, not very fair on the local residents (the people that probably asked for them to be put in) but i'm sure as soon a s the complaints mounted up they would remove them.

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:lol: Yes very good!


That is true though, the locals are normally the ones that ask for these bloody things, but like I say they just don't work.

The main reason they ask for them is to slow the nutters down, but it only seems to encourage speed. Yes I slow down 'cos I dont want my shocks making an appearance through my bonnet, but I don't drive mad in residential areas anyway!


The only real way of slowing down the pr*cks is to ban them from driving.

Cameras, speed bumps, they don't do what they are intended to do.

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What P's me off the most is the money they spend engineering these inverted potholes (speedbumps) when what they should be doing is using the time/tarmac/money filling in the proper pot holes. :mad:

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It's sadly not how council funding works.


They get set money for repairs, then some for safety, etc.

If they don't spend it all, it doesn't carry over, and they get less next year.


It is stupid though - the council's should be more creative and put a repair of a road down as a safety measure ;)


But, they're thick. So hey.

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Think I'm going to take Helicopter lessons and fly over the bastards :)


That's one major complaint of the C, it feels too fragile over harsh bumps, so you have to edge over speed humps slowly, whilst some git in 4x4 behind is right up your arse.


I don't think it's so much the restrictions that's the problem, but rather the attitude of the drivers these days. If there's any kind of blockage or restriction, people just try and race through a gap or close it up so you can't get through. Every day I get into some kind of minor road rage incident, it's getting silly.

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On a brighter note, for me at least, the local council are really getting to work on my local roads and repairing the pock marked surfaces. And a short while ago I complained that the road surface in front of my drive was unacceptable (was killing my konis) and the yellow line was too short. They sorted both inside 2 weeks of me complaining.... shock horror!!

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Ring them up wishing to claim for damage to your car/wheels because of a road surface, requesting the form, etc.


Watch how quickly that road is then repaired....

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Yeah, apparently the funding required to sort the backlog of car repairs is more than the budget they're given to sort the roads..... but there's a lesson in there though isn't there? I.e. Make the roads properly in the first place and you wouldn't have to waste money redoing them every 5 years!

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It's sadly not how council funding works.


They get set money for repairs, then some for safety, etc.

If they don't spend it all, it doesn't carry over, and they get less next year.


Yes mate I know, which is why at the end of each tax year you will find roadworks popping up everywhere for no reason, the gits are trying to spend the excess cash on any old job, just so the government will continue giving them the same amount!

My mum used to work for a local council and you wouldn't believe how much money they p*ss away on BS work, and to think my council tax has gone up again! :mad:

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Yeah, apparently the funding required to sort the backlog of car repairs is more than the budget they're given to sort the roads..... but there's a lesson in there though isn't there? I.e. Make the roads properly in the first place and you wouldn't have to waste money redoing them every 5 years!


Exactly mate!


It reminds of the waterboard, my local area was told of a possible hosepipe ban, and then advert's on the box saying "check for leaking taps, don't flush your toilet so offen" etc. All the while Thames Water alone are leaking enough water from their sh*t pipes to fill over 360 olympic-sized swimming pools EVERY DAY!!

What is totally mad is that London use less than this each day anyway, and there's them cheeky bas*ards telling US to save water!! :lol:


Yeah I just shoehorned that one in, but I'm on a bit of a Victor Meldrew rant lately!! :)

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I work for a civil engineering company that designs highways for new housing developments across the country and the amount of speed bumps and other rubbish that will never be used that the local council’s force the housing developer’s to install always astonishes me



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