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Clicking when Clutch is engaged.

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First off as I am new here I would like to say hello.

Ok so Monday I am driving my Rado down the M4 (within the legal limit :wink: ) as I accelerated past 60ish I got a vibration in the steering wheel that got progressively worse till around 90mph (ok I lied about the speed) in the 90s it kinda smooths off I can still feel a vibration on the drivers side. When I got home as I was going into the underground parking garage with my windows down I noticed a Clicking noise up front So I depressed the clutch and it went away. Now I here it all the time (when the clutch is engaged) I am also getting a slight pull to the right at higher speeds.

I have replaced all the wheel bearings, breaks, Track ends, front shocks (Stock), both inner and outter CVs. and now this is just another problem. and I am at a total loss. The tires are fairly new (about 3-4 months old now) and were just balanced, rotated, and tracked.

Anyone have any ideas?



Thinking on it and reading more around here I am thinking it is two problems that are compounding each other but I am still not sure what two things are. The Vibration does not stop when the clutch is Depressed. and the clicking does not stop as slow speeds when the vibration stops.

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Ok so update got my wishbones, BJs, and Top mounts done. Good news no more vibration while driving it. Bad new snaped the Drop links on the swaybar while doing the wishbones and GSF was closed. :cry: Lets just say it was entertaining to drive this morning. Hopfully be able to get those done tonight.

The clicking I have found out that it is one of the bearings. So new clutch will be getting fitted while I am in the states in a few weeks.

Just one thing after another. I guess someday I will get everything replaced and start all over again with the parts I started with eh?

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