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Can I just do this?

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I've just replaced my blue coolant sensor after some advice from the forum (thanks). Lost a couple of litres of water/coolant during the sensor switch around.


Was planning just to top up the levels with tap water and 1 litre of Comma Antifreeze/summer coolant (super coldmaster, antigel?) ... is this OK to do???



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should be BUT depends if you had g12 or g12+ in to start with. 12+ is ok with other brands (i think its this way round) but 12 doesnt like it much. As they dont sell 12 anymore im guessing that you should be fine. BTW what colour was it? the 12+ is pink ish.

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think it was a dark blue/turquoise-y colour



likely just to be bogo normal stuff then, should be no problem!! but as supercharged says g12+ is good stuff and meant to last forever (not that it will)

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Thanks - out of interest, what's the damage scenario if you mix incompatible coolants?

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None short term but it will form a sludge in the cooling system if G12+ was added to the blue/green coloured coolant.


It's cheap enough to say drain it all out and add G12. Not read the Comma container recently but it must have an anti-corrosion characteristic to it to protect the engine fully against freezing & corrosion.


Blue/green suggests it's possibly G11 (unless you know the car's history) which is at least 3 to 4 years old minimum now. G11 does wear out as it works against corrosion so best to refresh regularly. VW don't specify a life as far as I know. I change it out every 2 years. 3 to 4 years is probably sensible. 16v heads/gaskets are the most prone to corrosion for some reason.



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