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Top Shock Mounts

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Any idea how many hours work it would be to renew my Top Shock Mounts? Just trying to work out what it should cost me to have these done.

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I did both of my own including new struts in about 45-1hour. if a garage is doing it they will likely look for about 1.5h, at least thats all it should take tops!


edit: there is very ilttle adjustment on stock shocks so as long as they mark the bottom bolt positions you should be fine with out camber redone. if lowered budget for getting this done :-)

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Also could the need for new top shock mounts be causing me vibration through the steering wheel? And could this be worse when turning, compared to driving in a straight line?

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The rears have a top mount type rubbers, they are different to the front. And don’t often need replacing. Its really easy to do those your self as you need no special tools.

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Also could the need for new top shock mounts be causing me vibration through the steering wheel? And could this be worse when turning, compared to driving in a straight line?


Do they knock over bumps? how far do the stick up? guess they could.


Have you tested your CV joints - the old drive round in a circle does the trick. If you hear knocking need replacing

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Not sure about knocking, I'll need to have a listen. I'll also check how far up they are sticking. Will it be obvious that they have had it by looking at them? Can this be seen from the engine bay?


The only reason I think they need doing is that I had the car serviced a few weeks ago and they mentioned that something needed doing for the next MOT, but said to leave it until the MOT is actually due. I just rang them earlier to see if they could remember what they said needed doing as I hadn't made a note of it and they hadn't written it on my invoice, and they seeemed to think it was top shock mounts.


In the past with other cars I've owned, I've always liked to keep on top of things that needed doing, and get them done when they are first noticed. Rather than going with the advice of the mechanic in this case that suggested I just let them fail the MOT on them before getting them sorted. By trying to keep on top of things you then don't end up with a big build up of things that suddenly all need doing. And as I'm experiencing some vibration when driving at motorway speeds (already had all the tyres re-balanced), I'm looking for other alternatives for what the problem might be.

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Try giving Cornelius at German Auto Engineering a shout. I've been using him for years. He won't replace anything that doesn't need doing.

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Actually it was him that told me to wait until it failed the MOT on them. Whereas I'd rather get work done when it's first noticed and then have my car pass the MOT with flying colours!

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I seem to be having the same problems as you.


I switched my back rims with the front and there is a huge difference, tire rotation didnt mattter as the same sides where swaped.


Im still getting a slight wobble, but it definatly the tire which causing the problem. Im going to purchase 2 totally new tires over the weekend, and I report back with my findings asap.


Going to check my wheel bearing too, i will get there eventually.

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Be great to hear how you get on. I'm beginning to wonder if maybe when my car was serviced the other week, if when they took the tyres off, they perhaps didn't put them back in the same positions!

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