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Starts and then stops after a second! (1993 2.0 16v)

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After the first hard frost of the year last night (it should be noted that i live in inverness so it was quite cold) my corrado wont run. It did start and ran for about ten seconds then cut out. Now it wil fire and run for about one seond the cut out. I think the choke may be stuck on. Any one got previous experiance or even some basik info on the workings of the choke please?

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What sort of Corrado have you got and what year?


This almost sounds like late Corrado VR6 / faulty immobiliser behaviour.

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Hm.. I don't think the 2.0 16v ever had the immobiliser that the later VR6's had so that should rule that one out.


I'm gonna alter your post title and see if it grabs someone elses attention! :)

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try dissconecting the 5th injector to see if that helps,i had the same problem on my brothers 16v,and is was down to the 5th injector being stuck on

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