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key jamming

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A problem has started when i try and turn the key, was wondering if anyone else has this problem


I filled up with petrol yesterday and came to turn the key and it wouldnt turn in the barrel!! I tried it for 5 mins and still no luck. Put a bit of 3 in 1 oil and still no luck. So left it and came back after 10 mins and key turned first time!


Any ideas?


How much are you looking for a new ignition barrel? if that is what it is. and do have to change the key or can you buy the set to do both doors and ignition barrel.


thanks in advance of your replies


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Easy now - before you get carried away!


Sometimes when you park up, the steering lock will catch on the ignition barrel and stop the key from turning.


Just give the steering wheel a little wiggle and the key will turn :)


However, if you can turn the key and the car doesn't start - then look at replacing the ignition switch.

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Valid point dinkus, forgot about that little issue. If the key isn't turning after that then it's more likely to be the barrel rather than the switch though isn't it?

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Yeah, if the thing has completely ceased, then you'll need a new barrel.


But because he came back to the car a bit later and it worked first time, it sounds like it was probably just the steering lock.

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Ok, sometimes the screw holding the barrel becomes loose - take the lower cowling off and have a look - be careful when tightening tho as the metal is quite soft...

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