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help needed, trying to take off.

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hi people some help needed, when i accelerate in fist and second quite hard it feels like the whole of the front of the car try's to take off. basically it lifts off the ground as if it coming off the struts. i have tried to look at all the engine mounts as i thought one had gone but as far as i can see they are all in place.


anybody any ideas


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It's amazing how much difference missing the 'r' out of 'first' makes to that sentence... ;) :oops:

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cheers jay i will have a proper look after, hows the car doing have you had it fixed yet

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Are your front shox knackered, sounds like it to me! Try bouncing the front end, when you stop bouncing the car should level out in at most one and a half up and down movements, if you get my meaning :multi:

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