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Brake fluid leak at reservoir union

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Hi folks


After bleeding the clutch on my vr with a pressure bleeding kit, i've noticed a leak from one of the two pipes/unions that supply fluid to the abs pump. They attach horizontally to the right side of the reservior. The majority of the pipe is metal but the last 2 inchs are rubber i think, and these rubber pipes attach to the reservoir.


Basically i was wondering if anyone knows how to replace the rubber section of pipe. They are joined to the metal pipe via a union and i cant see how you undo it.


(hope this makes sense)



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it's probably just leaked out when you've had the reservoir under pressure.


clean off the leaked fluid and see if it comes back, odds on it won't.

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Thanks, already tried that.


It's the top pipe thats leaking. I cleaned it all up and have left the car standing a week. Now the bottom pipe is soaked through with fluid and the level in the reservoir has gone down. :roll:

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have you tried putting a clip around them?


or even taking them off, cleaning them and the nipples (can i say that?) and putting them back on.


I always find that the same happens witht he clutch pipe after I've used a pressure bleeder.

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No, haven't touched 'em yet.


I take it that they just pull off the reservoir do they?


What about the end thats attached to the metal pipe? I cant see how you can release it. It looks as if it's crimped on.

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they should just pull of, just be aware that you will spill fluid everywhere.


the other end is indeed crimped, don't try to disconnect that end....

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Ok, i'll take them off, give the nipples a clean :lol: and re-attach with clips.


I take it i'll need to bleed the abs pump after that?

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possibly, but if you make so you keep the pipes pointing up they shouldn't spill that much fluid, and any air bubbles will return to the resrvoir once you reconnect the pipes.

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