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Bobert healetty

brakes is this normal?

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ok the brakes in this g60 are kind of weird i dont know if its a vw thing or if theres something wrong with the brakes..but i will try to explain it


say im at 45mph and i hit the brake pedal it is quite firm but then the slower i get the softer the brake pedal gets and the further it travels...


so for example i hit the brakes at 45mph brake pedal is nice and firm, 35 brake pedal is a little softer, 25mph the brake pedal is moving closer to the floor, 10mph the brake is almost to the floor.......i guess it feels like the brake pedal is speed sensative the slower im going the the softer the brake pedal feels and the further it travels ....like i said is this normal on a corrado? or is something wrong?



if my example is not good enough please say so and i will try to explain it again

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not quite the same but ive found that in my G60 that the harder i press the pedal initally the firmer it is, e.g emergency stop it has a very firm pedal but gently braking the pedal travels quite far.


Havent noticed any difference is relation to speed, but i havent really been paying much attention to it, may have to out at some point and find out!

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If you don't know when they were last done, it's certainly worth a brake fluid change for what it costs.


There could be other culprits for your problem though.

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If you don't know when they were last done, it's certainly worth a brake fluid change for what it costs.


There could be other culprits for your problem though.



can you please elaborate on the other problems it maybe?i will be purchasing a bently manual shortly and i just recently started at an automovtive technical college so im learning as i go please bear with me

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have you checked your fluid level ? is it losing fluid ? if you pump the pedal when braking does the pedal remain firm or drop ? what colour is the fluid in the resevoir ? brake fluid is hygroscopic (water absorbing) so over time it is less efficient , have a check around the inner rim of each wheel for any dampness

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have you checked your fluid level ? is it losing fluid ? if you pump the pedal when braking does the pedal remain firm or drop ? what colour is the fluid in the resevoir ? brake fluid is hygroscopic (water absorbing) so over time it is less efficient , have a check around the inner rim of each wheel for any dampness


brake fluid is full i will check everything else once i get the car back(its getting supercharger installed)

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I used to have the exact same problem in my G60, and when i went to track days/fast road i used to set the breaks on fire! :shock:


Figured out that the fluid had never been changed.


Useless fact no5565:

Your flexi hoses can (and will) absorb water and as little as (i think) 1% water in your break fluid will reduce the boiling point of your break fluid by up to 25 degrees c! (end geek mode)


I ended up replacing all of the break fluid with dot 5.1 stuff. I had to flush all of the old stuff out so i used nearly 2ltrs of 5.1, but the car now stops on a dime everytime and i get no boiling fluid on track days.

But I still managed to turn my discs blue! :oops: )

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A loose wheel bearing might feel the same. The duff angle of the wheel knocks the pads back, as the speed drops it's easier for you braking to stand the wheel up, so the pedal sinks.



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vac leak? cant think of a way of checking.,


not quite the same but ive found that in my G60 that the harder i press the pedal initally the firmer it is, e.g emergency stop it has a very firm pedal but gently braking the pedal travels quite far.


i get the same thing

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