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boost pipe from TB

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Running a '91 G60


Ive noticed that that is some oil round the join between the harder plastic pipe and the rubber one coming from the throttle body. Where the jubilee clip holds them together. Is this right? I was driving down A1 once when i heard a pop but car didnt feel too bad. It was the pipe that had come away from each other. (didnt notice i wasnt getting any boost, car felt normal). When id got my car back from having charger rebuild. The garge that took charger out and back in, failed to tighten the jubilee clip. I noticed there were traces of oil around the pipe.


Should there be oil in that pipe. It leads to the intercooler doesnt it? That cant be good!

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That pipe came off on me. Nearly sh*t myself. throught my charger had blown. Loads of power loud pop and suddenly i was driving a Shopping trolley.

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There possibly was but it happened awhile ago and the memory is vague. Yeah it scared me sh*tless too. Its visible when the pipes are attached and tightened together correctly. Not just when the pipes are seperate

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