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Help! How much oil leakage is acceptable on VR?(viewing one)

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Hi all,

Looking at my first VR6 at the weekend, I asked the seller if there are any oil leaks on the engine and he said; 'just some oil on the underside of the engine' he also said it burns some oil as well.

How much oil on bottom of engine is accceptable?

Also what about 'burning oil' is this ok for a VR?

Car has done 126,000.


Any help appreciated!


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VR's do 'use' oil mine gets through a litre about every 3000 miles which is acceptable. If it's using more than a litre every 1000 miles then it might be something to get concerned about. Can depend on what oil you are using as well.

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What he /\ says..... and the oil underneath the engine could just be spillages from filter changes that have crept down onto the sump. Climb underneath and look for tell tale signs.


Wet patches around the pulleys and at the gearbox end could spell crank shaft seal leaks.... or it could suggest a weeping sump gasket. It's really hard to tell mate due to the way oil creeps along dry metal. Only way to be sure is to gunk the entire engine and look for fresh leaks a few days later.

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