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oil on plugs?

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hay just removed ht lead number 1 and there is oil on the upper side of the spark plug??(not the spark end but the ht end of the plug)


how the hell did it get there??

Wouldnt that stop it conducting a spark?

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I'd say a leaking rocker cover gasket too. Mine often has oil there. It's definately not spillage from filling. Hope it is the rocker cover gasket rather than getting blown by the spark plug threads.

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think it could be the rocker cover...

Also noticed the outer metal part of the ht lead had alot of burnt oil on it!!!!!!!! and on the white bit of the plug/plugs there is alot of brown like maybe it overheated? or is it normal for it to be brown just on the white bit where is says the plug code ? where the white joins onto the 10mm bolt bit?

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its normal for them to get dirty where they are not cover by the HT lead plug but it does sound like you need a new rocker cover gasket , which is no biggy

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