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Plans for this year...

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Now that I have got a job paying me some decent money, I can start doing all the things I want to do to the car (as long as I do well in the job!). I just thought I'd get your opinions on what I'm planning to do...


Firstly, although my misfire has all but disappeared, I want to get the engine sorted completely, so I will get it booked in at somewhere like G-Werks in a couple of months for a full check-up, a charger rebuild, and any new parts I might need. I'm thinking however of getting a 68mm pulley instead of my 65mm one, to lengthen the life of the charger - how much of a difference will I notice? When I get that done I will probably also get my SNS chip updated to include the digi-lag software.


Unless something major crops up there with the engine, the only other work I'm going to look to do to the engine will be a ported/polished throttle body, get my intercooler fitted and get an oil cooler.


The next major thing I want to have done is the bodywork. Want to get a full respray done around July/August time (thats when I'm hoping to have saved enough up). Only problem is I don't know what colour - I need some suggestions! At the same time, I'm going to have the arches rolled out to remove the lip (the same thing G60Greeny is having done I think), possibly have the rain channels taken out of the roof. I might also get the bumper add on that looks like the RS bumper as I prefer it to the full bumper, and get it smoothed in to the existing bumper, and some skirts if I can find some subtle enough (possibly the DDI ones). For all the work I have been quoted 2 grand - do people reckon thats a lot or not? Considering thats a full different-colour respray and some more added work...


To go with the bodywork, I want to get some coilovers as well, and some new rims, I know the ones I want but if I can find them is a different matter! I'm gonna be after the 17" Porsche Cup split rims (or whatever they're called). Should go with the arches nicely - like Sukh's car!


Next month the car is going up to my mate's retrimming business to have some work done - get the parcel shelf covered in leather or vinyl to match the seats, getting the backs of the seats and the entire boot done too, as well as the headlining - I think having a cream headlining lets down the interior!


Everything else I have planned is just little bits and pieces - some decent front speakers and maybe a sub and amp, move the sunroof button down to next to the handbrake, get the heated seats wiring, Lupo wipers, headlight loom - all the basics! Oh, and keep the damn thing on the road too....thats gonna cost me a fair bit!


Just noticed how long the post is...sorry about that. But I'm bored and slightly hungover and its a lazy sunday afternoon...please forgive me!


Any opinions would be great, or suggestions - especially when it comes to the colour....

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awesome man, now get to work and earn some money so you can do all the stuff you dream of. I got some miles worth of dreams somewhere in my files and folders also.

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