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6 puck clutch

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Why not just fit a VR6 clutch, i beleive most people do this when their clutch goes on their G60.

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I looked at one of these for mine with all the mods I'm doing - but the problem with these clutches are that they are either on or off - no in between so it can be awkward!


Plus the VR6 clutch is more than capable so thats what I chose!!!

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im gonna go 6. 3 and 4 are harsh. get a sprung version and you will be ok. the vr6 one wont handle what im gonna put through it.

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Why what are you going to put through it??? Bearing in mind I'm aiming to put somthing around 300bhp through mine with V good torque levels and it will handle that no problem!!

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well i'm putting a fair amount through a vr clutch and its fine - i've heard many say they're good for at least 400bhp which isn't bad going.....

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im hoping to wind lots of boost into the valve in the end. i was so close to buying a vr6 clutch as you say cos itll handle loads and give stock feel.


ive got myself an 02m now anyway so it kinda rules out the vr clutch unless i convert from 240mm to 228mm but that seems a bit backwards.


not hating on the vr clutch if thats the impression i gave.


looking to do the drag strip a few times and i think that will be the tell tale part.


im shooting for an initial 300hp going up once the engine is run in and my confidence rises. looking to max the 550cc injectors out first, they should be good for 420ish.


my main thought is that i dont wanna kill the disk off straight away. it would be a waste of time and money and hassle and at the level im shooting for its holding capacity would be borderline.

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