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Banana Man

Carboard gaskets??????

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What do people think about using carboard gaskets then for things like shall we say the throttle body for instance???


There is a point to this topic and all will be revealed tommorow just wanted to get some feedback first!!

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Don't see why not! I've made my own gaskets before, in a pinch. But its usually less hassle to just buy them. If its an odd/custom job though you have to make it. You can get big square sheets of assorted gasket material for pretty cheap. Cardboard would probably work best in cool areas as its flammable, and where there are no fluids involved



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As some people know I got my charger rebuilt by G-Werks first of all I would like to say a BIG thank you to you darren and liam for sorting me out big time I know it's been a bit of a hike with one problem or other :shock: and a big headache but were now got to the route of all the problems :D


One of the big problems we have had is a really annoying boost leak the boost was jumping straight upto 8psi and then not really budging from there and with the porting that has been done we knew there must have been a boost leak from somewhere.after hunting round for ages testing every join on the charged air route with leak detector spray we finally found where the leak was coming from. Now were getting onto the subject I originally posted ' What do people think of carboard gaskets?' well I think they are utter crap ( been told it's inapropriate to write what I had written here )



Thank you for reading this and just for good measure here is a picture of the offending item. It took flippin ages to clean up the surfaces so we could put the whopping £2 proper gasket back in there

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not wishing to take anybodies side but i do think its unfair to criticise somebodies work when they are not here to defend themselves. no matter what the problem. i was talking to someone else on this forum that has had some work done by this person and was really happy with it even recomending him over some big name vw tuners

i think this and previos problems should be sorted between you and him without the need of it being posted here

just my opinion


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Ok Funky the post has now been edited so there shouldn't be a problem now I was just getting my point of view across but if people dont want to hear anything bad said then fine let people find out for themselves. It's been a long day and I'm a little pissed off so I shall call it a day!!

Banana man

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BTW, the OE one is made of compressed coated paper isn't it?


Not taking sides or anything here, but wasn't the 'replacement' gasket put in as the OE was knackered and you wanted the car back there and then.....so something was required to get you going.....



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First of all there is a big difference between a compressed gasket made from a high quality single layer gasket paper tested to withstand the temperatures that a forced induction car can produce rather than a remanufactured carboard box which is multi layer and absorbs moisture and breaks down after time..


Secondly the car was there for a whole week so there should have been plenty of time to get a genuine gasket or an adequate gasket for the job even something like rhodaseal instant gasket which is designed to take the heat and protect from oil and grease contamination would have been better than the German and sweedish box that was put in it's place


These are just my opinions and no one has to listen if they dont want to but for the money that was layed out I dont expect to find less than second rate parts used to perform the task.

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i wasnt saying your wrong in being p*****d off if someone had done this to my c for sure they would hear it but i dont think this is the place to sort it especially if the person is on holiday

this is why i like to do all the work on my car where possible then you know its been done right

at least you now have found the problem


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Darren did the wiring on my car which I am more than happy with john did the mechanical side of things that have been giving me all the grief ie: cam timing lack of interest when provided him with the problems just told me it was all my fault and that there must be a problem with the head I had supplied him when in fact I have proved that it was the way he had set it up and then theres the carboard gasket this is why I am still on very good terms with darren as he has gone out of his way and helped me out.


Chris lets put it this way all your are going to be seeing of me at the pod is the arse end of my car and the stinking flames that now exit the exhuast LOL should be a good day cant wait :D

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Shouldn't use cereal packets for critical parts like throttle bodies and G laders. Fair enough if running a 1.0 fiesta on a shoe string but G60s deserve the best parts to keep them running at their best.


VAG gaskets are made of a dense, fibrous pulp and wax coated to make them oil and water resistant, among other things.



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