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Clunk when changing gears

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Ok, on the long drag from München to Gmünd (Austria) I noticed something.


Whenever I change gear quickly I can feel a clunking through the clutch, and can sometimes hear a clunking as well (depending on the voume of the stereo I guess)


So.. is the clutch going or am I just paranoid after letting my sexy girlfriend drive my car last weekend ;)

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Could be a bad motor mount or it could be a broken front motormount bracket. If it is a mount do yourself a favor and replace all of them because if one it bad then the others have had to pick up the slack and are probably on their last legs. Replacing all three typically makes the mounts last longer. Do it before you put the engine through the hood.


Are you sure its not a bad syncro and the gears are grinding?

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Not really sure to be honest. The gear change seems fine normally (a little harder when cold for some reason).


Although when I change gears carefully it doesn't seem to clunk at all. just changing gears carefully isn't really the sort of thing you do in a G60 often ;)

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harder when cold is normal mate. just waiting for the box oil to warm through.

i think you would 'feel' it through more than the clutch if it was an engine mount. you'd feel it through the steering wheel i would think?

probably wrong though!

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hi catch mine does this two and then is fine as soon as ive been driving for a little while! its just like a small clunk when putting in the early gears in the morning or wen cold! i think its just normal and if its not doing it on a majority or changes or when engine is hot i wouldnt worry about it!

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Catch twotwo;


did you visit the Porsche Museum in Gmund?? It's worth a visit for anyone when in Kaernten.


Best wishes




Not yet.. but my girlfriend lives so close (10 minutes) I can see it anytime ;)


Ok... so how can I check the engine mounts before just blindly replacing them :?: and silly question number 5, but where are they and what do they look like :?:


* Yeah I know more about computers than cars... but I'm trying *

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