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Forum CCGB Members going to EGM?

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So who from the forum is going to the EGM? Whilst not a Corrado meet in the conventional sense, it'd still be pretty cool to get a few of us together :)


Andi has said he'll be going, and i'll definately be going as the heritage museum is about a 30 minute drive away for me :)


Anyone else to be looking out for? Ant? Chris?? :)

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Ant and Darren are going, since I'm going with them!

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Cool.. finally get to meet Darren..


So thats already 4 of us.. sure there are more of us goin?? :)

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That's a definite. Time to give the 16v an outing. Bit off course for me Ant, I'll see you all up there.

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Never actually seen your valver before Chris.. it'd be nice to see it :)


Oh, and Chris.. i've sorted out how to get avatars a lot better quality and using less space. Try the attached file out for size - should only be 16k! Make sure you save it as a .GIF file if it asks! :)

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Hi everyone,

Can I kindly remind everyone that anyone who is not a member of the Corrado Club will not be allowed entry to the Club EGM meeting which is being held inside the Gaydon building.



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