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Fidanza Flywheel

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cool, i hate to tempt fate by saying this as it seems that every time i make a decision about what to do next something goes wrong to scupper my plans.....


but, as I will probably never have the money, time and patience for the supercharger route, I am keen to see how much performance I can squeeze out of the VR as is. BBTB is in and BMC CDA is on the way. So my thoughts are turning to what next and I can lay my hands on one of these quite cheaply.

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NOOOOO i had a spanky new sachs clutch put in when i had the timing chains done about 2000 miles ago. How many hours are we talking appox?

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It's pleasant fun negotiating 60 kilos through the gap in the subframe - not!


Once you've done it a few times you soon learn the knack!

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It's pleasant fun negotiating 60 kilos through the gap in the subframe - not!


Once you've done it a few times you soon learn the knack!

Thats the worst bit, dam weight of it. You won't do it on your own. Its best to drop the subframe down the gearbox end. got to unbolt the rack from the subframe. to gve you more room, its tight :lol:

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There is deffinately a knack to it, and i don't have it, CorradoVR6-n.o.s did it with only 1 eye open, i was in awe!


Not a good job but i did it to replace the clutch then to fit the flywheel, now that was good planning wasn't it, not!

Like when they dig up the roads then 5 days later the gas board redigs up the same piece of road when it could have all been done at once if they co-ordinated it.


Worth it in my opinion, but try and go for the alloy front pulley too as this is a heavy weight too and the art of tuning a N/A engine is to reduce the reciprical weight so as to allow as much power as possible to get to the wheels.


The gearbox is 60Kolis silly!

I've never taken the subframe in hand when doing it, just guided the flanges around it but it does get jammed in some awkward places so be warned.





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@madjackal its the gearbox that weighs 60 kilos ish and its very tight in around the subframe by letting the subframe down a bit it makes the job of removing the gearbox a bit easier, when we do a clutch in a vr we let the front mount go aswell for a better angle with the help of an engine hoist located onto the inner part of the wings in the engine bay

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i just use a engine brace accross the tops of the wings, you can just wind the engine down, took front mount off and took all the gearbox side subframe bolts out and left the other side loose. Once you done one.

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